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东北农业大学学士学位论文    学号: 论劳动力市场的弱势群体 The minority community of the labor market 学生姓名: 指导教师: 所在院系:人文社会科学学院 所学专业:人力资源管理 研究方向:人力资源管理 东 北 农 业 大 学 中国·哈尔滨 200 年 6 月 Northeast agricultural college Student number: Bachelors degree paper The minority community of the labor market Name: Teacther: Institute: Humanities and social sciences institute Department: Human resources management Direction: Human resources management Northeast Agricultural University Harbin·China June 200 摘要 体制改革使我国进入社会转型时期,伴随着计划经济向市场经济的转轨进程,我国政治、经济、文化等方面发生了巨大的变化,并为我国在21世纪的进一步发展注入了不竭的生机和动力。然而,改革与社会转型也使我国的各种社会关系发生了深刻的变化,社会成员处于分化、定位、整合的过程中。作为改革开放、社会转型的时代,“弱势群体”日益浮出水面,已成为我国当前的一个独特而带有普遍性的问题。关注并认真解决弱势群体问题,事实上已经成为了深化改革、维护社会安定、加快经济发展的不容回避的任务了。 本文欲从弱势群体的概况、成因以及如何解决弱势群体问题进行阐述,希望能引起越来越多的人对弱势群体的关注,解决弱势群体问题。 关键字:弱势群体 保障制度 经济体制 The minority community of the labor market Abstract Chinas reform of social transformation, along with a planned economy to a market economy transformation process, and Chinas political, economic, cultural and other fields has undergone tremendous changes, and to the country in the 21st century into the further development of inexhaustible vigor and momentum. However, reform and social transformation has also enabled our country to the various social relations have undergone profound changes in the differentiation of members of society, positioning, the process of integration. As reform and opening up, the era of social transformation, vulnerable groups increasing the surface. China has become current with a unique and universal. Concern and seriously tackle the problems of vulnerable groups, in fact, has become deepening reform and maintaining social stability to accelerate economic development can not be evaded by the task. In this passage,from the profile of disadvantaged groups, causes


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