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论我国商业银行汽车消费贷款的风险与防范 摘要: 汽车消费贷款在国外已经过近百年的发展,并成为个人消费贷款中的支柱产品,它不仅增加了金融机构的利润,还把汽车工业和消费市场紧密地联系在一起,为两者的高速发展提供了强大的动力。经过20多年的改革开放,城乡居民收入水平有了很大提高,国外经验表明,当一国人均GDP达到1000-3000美元时.该国就会进人消费贷款时期,人们对汽车等高档消费品的需求会急剧增加.近年来,我国汽车消费贷款增长迅猛,将在未来几年呈现跳跃式发展,汽车消费贷款由此成为各家商业银行前景广阔的“美味馅饼”.但是,我国开展此项业务的时间还短,经验不足加上受我国征信体系的不完善,贷款市场竞争不规范,以及近年来我国汽车价格波动幅度太大等诸多因素的影响,商业银行发放汽车消费贷款的风险也在不断暴露, “假车贷”“一车多贷”的情况时有发生,很大程度上影响了商业银行发放贷款的积极性,防范和化解汽车消费贷款风险是摆在商业银行面前的一个新的课题,指出汽车消费贷款出现大面积欠款,贷款风险增大,采取必要的措施已是势在必行。本文将从不同的角度出发,分析探讨我国商业银行汽车贷款的风险成因及防范措施。 关键词:汽车贷款 风险成因分析 防范对策 On China Commercial Bank Loans Risk and Prevention Abstract: Auto loan in a foreign country has been nearly a hundred years of development and become a mainstay products in the personal consumption loans, it not only increased the profits of financial institutions, also the automotive industry and consumer markets closely linked, both the rapid development of a powerful impetus. After 20 years of reform and opening up, the income levels of urban and rural residents has been greatly improved, foreign experience shows that when a countrys per capita GDP reached U.S. $ 1000-3000. The country will enter the consumer loan period, the demand for cars and other high-end consumer goods would increase drastically in recent years, Chinas automobile consumption loans increased rapidly, showing leaps and bounds in the coming years, the auto loan became the each commercial bank promising a delicious pie. However, our time to carry out this business is short, lack of experience coupled with the imperfect credit system in China, competition in the loan market is not standardized, and the volatility of Chinas car prices in recent years too large for a number of factors, the risk of commercial banks auto loans are constantly exposed to false car loan one car loan have occurred, largely affected the enthusiasm of commercial bank loans to guard against and defuse the risk of auto loan is placed in front of the commercial banks a new topic, pointed out the auto loan a large a


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