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摘 要 如今的网上购物在我们身边已不再像以前那么陌生了,电子商务无论在国内还是国外掀起一次又一次的商务浪潮。在中国最具有代表性的当然要数“马云”的阿里巴巴和淘宝了。随着电子商务在当今IT行业已成为最热门的话题和焦点,B2B和B2C最近几年已成学术界和商界谈论的课题,如何改进和创新新的电商盈利模式,如何推动我国企业电子商务应用模式的创新,同时为了迎合我国进入WTO后的机遇和挑战,作为新时代的电商人,它的改变已成为我们现在80后的责任和义务,理所应当我们肩上的担子重了。 本文首先从服装的销售背景分析,结合系统的开发技术手段对系统进行可行性分析,然后对系统的实现进行功能设计、数据库设计等,最后在系统的整个开发过程中,对系统进行系统测试,促使系统的性能更完善。并且本文通过图表等形式表现整个系统的功能描述,这样使读者可以对整个系统一目了然。 本系统基于B/S模式,采用JSP开发技术,Tomcat应用服务器,以SQL Server2000作为数据库,使用MyEclipse作为开发工具进行开发。系统实现的主要功能包括购物车功能,产品浏览和有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站功能,留言板功能,邮件功能,订单和产品的管理功能,注册会员的管理功能等。 关键词:网上购物 电子商务 SQL Server2000 JSP Design and Implementation of Jinxin Online Clothing Store Abstract: the e-commerce now in our side already no longer so strange, electronic commerce both at home and abroad of a wave of again and again. In China most representative of course to a few jack ma alibaba and tao bao. Along with the development of e-commerce in todays IT industry has become the most popular topic and focus, B2B and B2C in recent years has become the academic and business circles about the topic, how to improve and innovate new business profit model, how to promote our country enterprise electronic commerce application pattern innovation, at the same time in order to cater to the our country after entering WTO. The opportunity and challenge, as a new era of business people. It has become the change we now after 80 the responsibility and obligation, often taken for granted we burden heavier. Firstly, the background from the apparel sales analysis, system development techniques combined with the system feasibility analysis, and implementation of the system functional design, database design, and finally in the system throughout the development process, the system for system testing, to promote better performance of the system. This paper forms and charts, functional description of the overall system performance, so that readers can make the whole system at a glance. This system based on B/S mode, use JAVA development technology, Tomcat appl


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