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英语专业毕业论文 论《到灯塔去》的复调性
作者:胡艳玲 学号 指导老师:郭晓春
摘 要:《到灯塔去》是英国小说家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫最具代表性的一部力作。以往对这部小说的研究多集中在女性主义解读、意识流技巧、诗化特征等方面。实际上,伍尔夫充分利用了复调织体多声部共时奏响的特点来编织素材,使整部小说形成意识流多声部的交响。复调理论是巴赫金在考察俄罗斯作家陀思妥耶夫斯基小说创作的过程中提出来的。巴赫金认为该作家小说中有着众多各自独立而不相融合的声音和意识,由具有充分价值的不同声音组成真正的复调。他借用了音乐学中的术语“复调”来说明这种小说创作中的“多声部”现象。本文以分析复调小说理论为切入点,着重探讨了“全面对话”、“众生喧哗”和“未完成性”等典型复调特征在《到灯塔去》中的应用,并揭示了小说在叙事结构、主题和主人公形象塑造方面所表现得复调性,旨在挖掘作品的艺术价值。
Freedom and Democracy:Individualism in Walden
Author:Li Weilin Number Tutor:Tang Xu
Abstract: Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was one of the most impressive essayists and poets in the 19th century of America. Walden (Walden; or Life in the Woods) was his most famous essay, in which he depicted his life hermit in the woods. It was a retrospect over industrialism. This paper focuses on three parts: transcendentalism in Walden; individualism in Walden and its relationship with transcendentalism; the significance of individualism in modern society. The study on individualism of this masterpiece presents a new perspective to understand Thoreau and his writings. What’s more, it also makes people retrospect what’s the real meaning of life.
Key Words: Henry David Thoreau; Transcendentalism; Freedom; Democracy; Individualism
I Introduction
Henry David Thoreau was one of the few noted transcendentalists along with Ralph Waldo Emerson in the 19th century of the Romantic Period in America. Walden was Thoreau’s most famous work in which he lived out the tenets of transcendentalism and recounted his experience of solitude near Walden Pond in Concord. It was Thoreau’s reflection of life and society. First published in 1854, Walden was a moderate success and was received favorably among its reviewers. Nowadays, the deep significance of this book has been rediscovered by groups of scholars. Most of them focus on the environmental or transcendental thoughts of this master work. For example, environmentalism is the main idea of both The Ecological Meaning of Wald
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