
Project Four Claims and Arbitration 《商务英语》课件.pptx

Project Four Claims and Arbitration 《商务英语》课件.pptx

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Project Four Claims and Arbitration 《商务英语》课件

商务英语Project Four Claims and Arbitration Task 1 Complaint and Claim◆Module I Knowledge Preparation ◆Module II Industry Skills?参考译文索 赔 索赔是指在金钱或财产方面主张权利。蒙受损失并想得到赔偿的投保人,必须通过索赔程序通知保险公司。保险合同条款通常都注明被保险人必须提供损失证据以获赔偿。 索赔程序始于被保险人遭受损失后向保险公司签署声明详细描述导致损失的事情经过,大多数保险索赔还须提交充分的辅助证据。例如,备案人寿保险索赔的个人必须提交一份保险客户的死亡证明。特别是在健康或残疾索赔时,被保险人必须要提交医生诊断报告。至于汽车被损坏要求索赔的个人通常被要求向保险公司提交维修评估。Task 1 Complaint and Claim?参考译文索 赔 一旦有人提出索赔并提交所需的证据,保险公司的索赔代表必须出面调查,索赔代表就是人们通常所说的保险理赔人或索赔服务代表。索赔代表须核实索赔申请人(提出索赔的人)有权得到赔偿。 首先,索赔代表须核实索赔申请人的确从保险公司购买了保险并已支付了蒙受损失期间的保险费。例如,如果保险客户没有支付保险费,致使保单过期,在保单过期之后被保险人将得不到索赔费用。 同时,索赔代表还须核实在双方签署的保单条款中涵括了具体的索赔要求,包括导致损失的特别事件。例如,家庭保险的标准保单通常都涵盖了诸如闪电和暴风雨这样的自然灾害所导致的损害。然而,这种保单并没有涵盖洪水和地震险(这类保险要单独购买)。最后,在索赔处理过程中应仔细慎重以确保保险申请人的保险集团其他成员尽可能少的支付包含有效索赔的保险费用。Task 1 Complaint and Claim◆Module Ⅲ Vocational Skills 1. Complete the following dialogues with the given Chinese. Then practice them in pairs.(1)a shortage in the shipment (2)lodge a claim with the ship-owner or with the insurance company(3)charge a commission of one percent of the amount of the claim(4)charge to the importer(5)It’s a part of the service on the broker’s side(6)claim a settlement(7)certifying that the goods were actually loaded on the vesselTask 1 Complaint and Claim2. Look at pictures and use words you have learnt to talk about each other.The following words may be available: (1)poison有毒品 (2)app:ds:inflammableinflammable app:ds:solidsolid易燃固体 (3)oxidant氧化剂 (4)radioactive materials放射性物品 (5)caution high temperature注意高温(6)explosive material爆炸品 (7)No starting禁止启动 (8)infectious substance感染性物品 3.Match the Chinese meanings in Column B with the English ones in Column A.1.e 2.j 3.i 4.b 5. a 6. h 7.c 8.d 9.f 10.gTask 1 Complaint and Claim5.Complete the following letter by filling the blanks with the proper form of words given in bracketsAugust 15, 2013Foxboro Company150 Kenwood ParkwayNew YorkDear Ms. Moore, Thank you for your letter of August 12,(1)promptly notifying us of your complaint on our service. We’ve lo


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