
THE CIVIL WAR by Ken Burns – Video Guide Questions由Ken Burns–视频指南问题内战.doc

THE CIVIL WAR by Ken Burns – Video Guide Questions由Ken Burns–视频指南问题内战.doc

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THE CIVIL WAR by Ken Burns – Video Guide Questions由Ken Burns–视频指南问题内战

THE CIVIL WAR by Ken Burns – Video Guide Questions EPISODE ONE - PROLOGUE 1. In what year did the Civil War begin? 2. What percentage of the U.S. population died in the war? 3. At Cold Harbor, _____ men fell in _____ minutes. 4. In what state was the 1st major battle fought? 5. In what year did the Civil war end? 6. In what year did the last veteran of the Civil War die? 1861 THE CAUSE / ALL NIGHT FOREVER 7. What percentage of slaves lived to be 60 years old? 8. Since slave marriages had no legal status, preachers changed the wording of the vows to “Until death or _______ do you part. 9. What was Eli Whitney’s important invention? 10. How many pounds of cotton could be processed in one day with a gin? 11. By 1860, one out of ___ Americans belonged to another American (as slaves). 12. William Lloyd Garrison published an anti-slavery newspaper called “The _________”. 13 What was Harriet Tubman called? A HOUSE DIVIDED 14. Who was Mary Todd? 15. In what year did Congress pass an act that allowed Kansas Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to permit slavery? 16. Who said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand”? THE METEOR 17. Who led the raid on Harper’s Ferry armory engine house, Sunday Oct. 16 1859? 18. What happened to John Brown on Dec. 2, 1859? SECESSIONITIS 19. Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 with _____% of the vote. 20. What was the 1st state to secede from the Union? 21. What fort was attacked by rebels, sparking war with the North? 22. Who was elected president of the Confederacy? 4:30 a.m. April 12, 1861 23. How many casualties were suffered in the shelling of Ft. Sumpter? TRAITORS PATRIOTS 24. Who was the 22-yr. old graduate of West Point who graduated at the bottom of his class? 25. Where was the Capital of the Confederacy? 26. In 1861, what was the population in the North? _____ In the South? _____ 27. Who was Lincoln’s 1st choice to lead the Union Army? 28. How long did most people think the war would last?



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