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编号 本科生毕业设计(论文) 题目: 浅谈建设项目投资的控制方法 环境与土木工程 学院 工程管理 专业 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 二〇一一年六月 摘 要 我们知道,工程建设项目往往投资比较大,而且环节多。如果我们加强对建设项目投资的控制,相信这对企业来说能节约不少费用。目前国内外投资控制已经有了比较系统的理论,也有很多的学者在着力研究新的方法。本文将从全过程投资控制展开论述,对建设项目各个阶段的投资控制方法进行阐述,对现有的方法进行优化,同时争取找到最实用的控制方法。 本文先从投资决策阶段、项目设计阶段、招投标阶段、施工阶段、竣工结算阶段进行分阶段研究。分析目前各阶段投资控制存在的问题,以及提出相应的投资控制的措施和方法。在做好各个阶段有效投资控制的前提下,实现总投资的控制。再加上自己的实习经验,总结甲方、施工方、监理方工作特点,把理论与实践联系起来。努力使自己做出的控制方法,向实用型方法靠拢。 在论文结构上,本文主要是分章节进行阐述。通过图文结合的方法让读者一目了然。同时通过一些具体数据的出示,对投资控制方法进行研究。本文也会着力突出重点,对投资控制可行性研究程度比较大的阶段会花比较多的版面进行阐述。 关键词:建设项目;分阶段;投资;控制 ABSTRACT We know that investment in construction projects are often relatively large, and many links. If we are to strengthen the control of construction project investment, believe that businesses can save a lot of costs. Control of the current domestic and foreign investment has been quite systematic theoried, there are many scholars focus on new methods. This paper will discuss the entire process to start investment control, of investment in various stages of construction project control methods described, to optimize the existing methods, while seeking to find the most practical control method. The paper first phase of investment decisions, project design phase, bidding, construction and completion phases of settlement stage. Analyze the current investment in various stages of control problems and to propose appropriate measures and methods of investment control. With the good investment of control at all stages it can achieve a total investment of control. Together with their own practical experience, sum up Party, the construction side, features the work of supervision side, to link theory and practice. Make efforts to let my own control methods move closer to practical methods. In the paper structure, sub-chapters of this paper are described. By the method of combining graphics with text to give readers a bette


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