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学校代码: 10151                  论文成绩:     学生学号:2220063653     大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文      二○一○年 六月 并联机器人控制系统设计与实验研究 专业班级:机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名:黄鑫 指导教师:关广丰 交通与物流工程学院 内容摘要 本论文主要研究六自由度平台的位置反解,通过仿真实验和在xPC环境下的实时控制实验来验证算法的可行性。 首先,采用矩阵分析方法,推出了体坐标系与静坐标系之间的变换矩阵及其液压缸上下铰支点的坐标向量矩阵,由此确立了转台液压缸长度变换与上台面位置的关系,从而解决了六自由度转台机构的位置反解。其次,通过MATLAB /Simulink将方程搭建出来进行系统仿真。运用Simulink中的模块将位置反解方程搭建出来,通过计算机模拟仿真,由用户给定的位姿求解出缸长变换。并且通过仿真初步验证反解方程的正确性。同时考虑到一定得实际情况,为使信号平稳的输入,使平台平稳的升到中位,加入渐缩渐放模块,以达到预期的效果。最后,运用MATLAB/xPC进行实时控制。以Simulink搭建出来的模型为基础,生成能够进行实时控制的目标应用程序。运用此目标应用程序进行实时仿真和实时控制实验,并在此实验的基础上记录分析实验数据,通过对比实时控制实验数据与仿真实验数据,数据重合度高,从而验证算法的可行性。 论文研究了控制并联机器人的核心算法。通过对比实时控制实验数据与仿真实验数据,由数据重合度高可得到该算法以及此算法上搭建的控制系统能够用于实际的并联机器人的控制。 关键词:六自由度平台 位置反解 仿真模型 实时控制 Abstract This paper mainly studies the control of 6 DOF platform. The feasibility of the algorithm is to be verified by the simulation experiments and the real-time control experiments in xPC environment. Firstly, the coordinate-transformation matrix between static coordinate system and body coordinate system can be gotten by the matrix analysis method, and also the coordinate matrix of the rounded support can be gotten. The equations of position reverse solution of the 6 DOF platform can be established through making sure of the relationship between the change of the hydraulic cylinder length and the position of the platform. Secondly, a Simulink Model is be created by using the MATLAB /Simulink. Through the computer simulation, the change of the hydraulic cylinder length can be solved by the position and orientation given by the user. Then make sure whether the equations of position reverse solution is correct or not by simulating the Simulink Model. The module of rate limiter is added into the simulink Model in order to input the signal smoothly. Finally, the platform is controlled in real time by xPC. The xPC target application which can be put into use in the real time control is based on the Simulink


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