
the Symbolic Meanings of The Little Prince 浅析《小王子》.doc

the Symbolic Meanings of The Little Prince 浅析《小王子》.doc

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the Symbolic Meanings of The Little Prince 浅析《小王子》

本科生毕业论Analysis the Symbolic Meanings of The Little Prince 浅析《小王子》中的象征意蕴 姓 名 学 号 专 业 外国语言文学系 指导教师 2012 年 5 月 30 日所在系:外国语言文学系 专 业:英 语 毕业论文题目:Analysis the Symbolic Meanings of The Little Prince 浅析《小王子》中的象征意蕴1. Aim and Significance: Antoine de Saint-Exupery 1900-1944 was born in Lyons France. A year afterthe publication of The Little Prince Saint-Exupery disappeared over theMediterranean while flying a reconnaissance mission for his French air squadron. Bestknown throughout the world as the author and illustrator of The Little PrinceSaint-Exupery wrote several other books that also have become classics of worldliterature such as Night Flight and Wind Sand and Stars. The Little Prince has been republished several times since it was published inNew York in 1943. It has been translated into more than 100 languages and becomesone of the most popular books which circulation only second to Bible. Symbolism isthe best successful factor of the novel. There are few works of studies aboutsymbolism in the perspective of love and responsibility. Their studies are mainlyconcerned in the following aspects: 1 study symbolic meaning of the images. 2 therelationship between symbolism and philosophy in the work. 3 the realistic meaningof symbolism in the work. This essay tries to explore the realization of love andresponsibility of the little prince through symbolism. So the aim of the essay is to seek the theme of love and responsibility throughsymbolic meanings in the book. It is a great significance to search love andresponsibility in nowadays that full of apathy among people.2. Main Methods and Ways of Studies: This essay mainly uses the methods of literature reading and theoreticalanalysis. It mainly separate into three parts. In the first part mainly illustrate sometheories of symbolism and the studies of symbolism in current situation of The LittlePrince. In the second part research the various symbolic meanings in the growing ofthe little prince namely the progress of realizing l


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