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COLLEGE OF LIGHT INDUSTRY, HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY 本设计是对75t/h的中压燃贫煤煤粉锅炉进行的。本设计是在参观的基础上,通过查阅大量的文献和资料,结合所学专业知识,对锅炉进行了总体布置和全面的热力计算。目的是掌握锅炉设计的一般计算方法及计算步骤。锅炉总体结构采用单锅筒Π型布置,上升烟道为燃烧室和凝渣管两部分,水平烟道内布置两级悬挂对流过热器,垂直下行烟道中布置两级省煤器和两级管式空气预热器。锅炉炉膛全部布满光管水冷壁。对流过热器分两级布置,由悬挂式蛇形管束组成,两级过热器之间装有锅炉自制喷水减温装置,省煤器和空气预热器采用两级配合布置 关键词: 贫煤;中压;热力计算;四角切圆燃烧 ABSTRACT The design is 75t/h of medium pressure pulverized coal boilers of the oflean-coal. This design is on the base of visiting the power plant and referring lots of literatures and information, combined with professional knowledge learned, the overall layout of the boiler and comprehensive thermodynamic calculation. Purpose is to master the boiler design and calculation of the general method steps. The overall structure of the single drum boiler Π-type layout, increase the flue pipe for the combustion chamber and condensate residue of two parts, the level of flue gas convection super-heater arrangement of two hanging, vertical flue in the arrangement of two down and two-tube economizer air preheater. All full of boiler furnace water wall tubes. Convection super-heater arranged in two levels, snake-like tubes formed by the hanging, two were fitted between the boiler super-heater spray made by temperature devices, Economizers use two tie layout. boiler combustion uses four corner tangentially combustion and the direct current burner of divided gradation distribute air. Finally, according to the calculated result, the boiler entire drawing and burner drawing are completed with Auto CAD. Keywords: lean-coal, medium-pressure, heat transfer -calculation, four corner tangentially combustion 目录 引 言 1 1 文献综述 2 1.1 立题的背景和意义 2 1.2 锅炉综述 2 1.2.1国内的锅炉展简史 3 1.2.2国外的锅炉展简史 4 1.3 本设计的主要研究内容 5 1.4 本设计的任务 5 2 燃贫煤煤粉锅炉结构设计简述及设备选型 6 2.1锅炉总体布置方案论证 6 2.1.1给定锅炉设计参数及燃料特性如下 6 2.1.2锅炉基本方案 6 2.1.3锅炉本体基本尺寸 7 2.2锅炉各部分结构简述 7 2.2.1锅筒及锅筒内部设备 7 2.2.2炉膛水冷壁系统 8 2.2.3过热器及气温调节 10 2.2.4燃烧系统 14 2.2.5省煤器及空气预热器 15 2.2.6护墙结构及密封装置 19 2.2.7刚性架及护板结构 20 2.2.8吹灰及除渣装置 21 3 锅炉的热力计算 2


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