
V-Rep 机器人仿真平台介绍.ppt

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V-Rep 机器人仿真平台介绍

void SCRIPT_DO_SOME_MAGIC_CALLBACK(SLuaCallBack* p) { ... ( gets called when a script calls ?simxExt_doSomeMagic“ ) } // Initialization phase of plugin: register new script commands: #define SCRIPT_DO_SOME_MAGIC simExt_doSomeMagic int inArgs[]={2,sim_lua_arg_int,sim_lua_arg_float|sim_lua_arg_table}; simRegisterCustomLuaFunction(SCRIPT_DO_SOME_MAGIC,strConCat(number value1, number value2=,SCRIPT_DO_SOME_MAGIC,(number index,table inVals)), inArgs,SCRIPT_DO_SOME_MAGIC_CALLBACK); Example of Collaborative Mechanism 2 / 3 returnData1,returnData2=simExt_doSomeMagic(arg1,arg2) Registers and handles the custom script API function ?simExt_doSomeMagic“ Calls the custom API function ?simExt_doSomeMagic“ Embedded script Plugin Example of Collaborative Mechanism 3 / 3 -- Following in the script initialization phase (executed just once): -- Retrieve the handle of the vision sensor we wish to stream: visionSensorHandle=simGetObjectHandle(Vision_sensor) -- Now enable topic publishing and streaming of the vision sensors data: topicName=simExtROS_enablePublisher(visionSensorData,1, simros_strmcmd_get_vision_sensor_image,visionSensorHandle,0,) -- Retrieve the handle of the passive vision sensor. We will use -- the passive vision sensor to visualize received data: passiveSensorHandle=simGetObjectHandle(PassiveVision_sensor) -- Now enable a topic subscription: simExtROS_enableSubscriber(topicName,1, simros_strmcmd_set_vision_sensor_image,passiveSensorHandle,0,) Enable image streaming to ROS Enable image streaming from ROS Embedded script ROS Framework Architecture Overview C/C++ API calls cascaded child script execution Lua API calls custom Lua API callbacks V-REP event callbacks remote API function calls ROS transit custom communication (socket, serial, pipes, etc.) Add-on calls to Lua API Script callback calls Other Feature: Custom User Interfaces Custom User Interfaces Buttons, sliders, edit boxes and labels Can be textured or animated (e.g. via video stream)


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