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Wild Blueberry Technical Assistance Curriculum野生蓝莓的技术援助的课程
In order to to improve your production efficiency, reducing or controlling costs is only part of the process. You will need to identify and invest in the inputs and production practices that will give you the best returns. You will also need to prevent loss from insects or diseases in order to protect your investment. Most of the increases in wild blueberry production did not come from addition of newly developed acres. Improved pest management has reduced losses and the use of irrigation in Maine has produced substantially higher yields on irrigated fields. Land improvement has allowed for mechanical pruning and harvesting thereby reducing the cost and improving the profitability of production. It is expected as more growers adopt a more intensive management approach that yield and efficiency will continue to improve into the future. What practices might be cost-effective for your situation? These fields in downeast Maine produce the majority of wild blueberries grown in North America. The blueberry barrens produce a smaller fruit, compared to the cultivated berries grown in other parts of the country. The Maine Wild blueberrys smaller size allows for more concentrated flavor, leading to a competitive advantage over the cultivated berry. So what are the important factors to keep in mind in preserving blueberry quality? The first and most important one is the proper handling of blueberries in the field. A poor quality product can not be improved and a reduction any grade results in reduced value of the product. There are five factors you as an important member of the production team can help control. 1. Raking 2. Winnowing 3. Tote Color and Filling 4. Holding time 5. Holding Temperature Because of the large volume generated in a short time and the perishable nature of the fruit, virtually all of Maine’s wild blueberry crop is sold to processors. Higher returns may be obtained many ways, but each has its cost both in time and money. Ways to
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