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帧中继语音传送Design and Implementation of Voice Over Frame Relay Technology Frame Relay Voice Gateway 中文摘要本课题的主要目的是提出VoFR语音网关的软件设计方案,并完成VoFR协议模块的开发,实现语音数据在帧中继链路上的传输。本课题在硬件方面使用华为三康有限公司的8048路由器,该路由器采用了高性能低功耗PowerPC芯片为主控制处理器来处理各种语音信令并以TI公司的TMS320-5X系列高性能数字信号处理芯片(DSP)处理语音数据和传真业务;软件方面采用Vxworks嵌入式操作系统进行VoFR协议模块的开发和编译。关键词:分组语音,帧中继,VoFR,VxWorks操作ABSTRACT China Public Security has a wide range of private communication networks, real-time requirements of higher operating characteristics, and bandwidth resources are limited, the coexistence of multi-service network, scalability is the current difference between the main problems, this paper put forth a set of voice, data and video for the integrated communication network of technology programs. In this paper a detailed comparison of the time division multiplexing, Pl, advantages and disadvantages of frame relay and ATM networking technology to establish a mixed TDM and PI technology networking ideas, and gives the network model, with abundant interfaces, channelized multiplexing, multiple data networking mode, economical and other prominent features, a good solution to a specific network security the main problems. The main purpose of this task is to propose VoFR Voice Gateway software design and development of complete VoFR protocol modules, voice data frame relay link transmission. The subject of the use of the hardware Co., Ltd. Huawei-8048 router, the router uses a high-performance low-power PowerPC chips based voice control processor to handle a variety of signaling. And to TIs TMS320-5X series of high-performance digital signal processing chip (DSP) processing voice data and facsimile services; software, embedded operating system with Vxworks VoFR agreement to develop and build the module. KEY WORDS:Packet voice, Frame Relay, VoFR, VxWorks第一章 绪论 1 1.1论文背景简介 1 1.2分组语音概述 3 1.3分组网语音通信技术的基本原理 6 1.4分组语音技术在国内外的发展动态 6 1.5 VxWorks操作系统及其应用 8 1.5.1几种嵌入式操作系统的比较 8 1.5.2 VxWorks操作系统简介 8 1.5.3 VxWorks的开发环境Tornado 10 1.5.4 VxWorks系统启动流程 1


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