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了不起的菲丽西 中英表格台词剧本
了不起的菲丽西? 你知道该做些什么 ?? Youll know the right words ?? 好的想法就在你心中 ?? Theyre all in your head ?? 所以当清晨来临时,振奋精神整装待发吧 ?? So wake up in the morning and get out of bed ?? 你所拥有的梦想 ?? The dreams youve been dreaming ?? 现在正要实现 ?? Well, right nows the time ?? 你所创造的巨兽 ?? You build up these monsters ?? 它们都潜藏在你的意识里 ?? Theyre just in your mind ?? 如果你的内心感受到了 ?? If you feel it in your heart ?? 那么就大声唱出来吧 ?? Then sing it loud ?? 哦~哦~ ?? Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh ?? 我知道你清楚自己是谁,所以大声唱出来吧 ?? I know you know who you are, So sing it loud ?? 它原本就为你谱写 ?? Its all about you ?? 你必须相信 ?? You just gotta know, gotta know ?? 你已经可以独当一面 ?? You can do it on your own ?? 这就是为什么我要写这首歌 ?? Guess thats why I wrote this song... ?? 它原本就为你谱写,只为你谱写 ?? You know its about you, Its always about you ?? 所以勇往直前吧 ?? So let it go. ?再见了,孤儿院Bye-bye, orphanage!慢慢来,就快到了Slowly! Almost there!立定Stop!嘘Shhh!哼Ha!菲丽西又去哪了Where is Felicie?呃,先生,我也不知道Uh, sir, I dont know.你在看什么呢,臭小子What are you looking at,you idiot?快去找到她Go get Felicie!可您让我去哪儿找啊You know, Im having a little bit of trouble knowing which direction...现在就去!Now!恶 !Ugh!哦好痛Ouch! Ah!维克多Victor!拉我一下 Can you help me?你别再闹别扭了Stop! Stop doing your grumpy face!我并没有,我只是有点在意Im not, Im just a little bit hurt that you were...你居然想丢下我独自逃跑..I dont know, escaping without me!逃跑?我想逃跑?Escaping? Me?不,我只是想上去看看这美丽的景色No, I was just looking at the spectacular view!你知道的,如果没有我陪你的话Because, you know, you wouldnt last外面的世界可是很危险的more than five minutes out there without me.哼 哈Ha! Ha!快住手 你知道这样做也很危险Dont start! You know how this ends.我们是同时来到这个鬼地方的We arrived at the same time,我们也要同时逃出去and well escape at the same time.我发誓I promise!嘿,维克多,接着Hey, Victor! 哦不,又开始了Oh, no! Here we go!喔 喔Whoo! Whoo!喔Whoo!? 你必须相信 ?? You just gotta know, gotta know ?? 你已经可以独当一面 ?? You can do it on your own ?? 这就是为什么我要写这首歌 ?? Guess thats why I wrote this song... ?? 它原本就为你谱写,只为你谱写 ?? You know its about you, Its always about you ?喔 喔Whoo-hoo!? 所以勇往直前吧 ?? So let it go. ?这是最后一次原谅你们了This is the last time!我们真的感到很抱歉Were sorry- Were sorry, and...行行行,放开他们Tut