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海 南 大 学
毕 业 论 文(设计)
题 目:模糊控制器算法设计与仿真
学 号:20070714059
姓 名:苏 新 慧
年 级:2007级
学 院:信息科学技术学院
系 别:电子信息工程系
专 业:电子信息工程
指导教师:沈 荻 帆 老师
完成日期:2011年 4 月 30 日
摘 要
At present the most of the control system analysis and design method is the mathematical model of the controlled object is known, or through experiment and identification method can get, but the development of modern industry, people found in engineering practice, some complex system, to make its precise model is almost impossible, at that time, can not use traditional control method to control them. But can with years of work experience, the control method with fuzzy qualitative, summarized into using natural language express operating rules, to achieve the effective control of these systems.
Simulation of fuzzy control that is how humans use their experience and common sense reasoning by fuzzy rules, and use the system of the control process. Fuzzy control process does not depend on the charged precise mathematical model of the object, but to the peoples practical experience as a foundation, is to human intelligence and control systems combined to together, so the field of fuzzy control is intelligent control. Currently, it has been called the field of intelligent control an important branch.
Matlabs Simulink simulation module in the library, a specialized fuzzy logic toolbox, designed to constitute a fuzzy control system simulation model diagram.
Key words: fuzzy control, the plant, in
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