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北京课改版九年级英语上 Unit 5 课件
* * Unit 5 The Forbidden City 北京课改版九年级 Warm-up: Do you know where these places are? Try to describe their locations. Tian’anmen Square the Great Wall Suzhou Brisbane in the centre of Beijing in the north of Beijing in the east of China on the gold coast, north of Sydney Listen to four dialogues Dialogue A 1.Kelly likes the boy’s suggestion of visiting the Great Wall. 2.The boy is excited about the Great Wall. Dialogue B 3.This conversation takes place on the phone. 4.The boy is reading an article about Tian’anmen Square in the newspaper. Dialogue C 5.The girl is asking for information at a travel agency. 6.Mike has never been to Suzhou. Dialogue D 7.The boy is probably Grace’s friend. 8. Grace’s family will go to Brisbane for vacation for sure. Work in pairs: Ask and answer Example A: Have you been to the Great Wall? B: Yes, I have. It is in the north of Beijing. A: Do you have any idea how long it is ? B: this book says it is about 6,400 kilometers long. Empire State Building 381 meters tall in the center of New York Shanghai, a big city in the east of China with an area of 6,340 square kilometers the highest mountain, Qomolangma 8,844 meters high on the border of Nepal and Tibet The Forbidden City the location of the its structure and construction its history Forbidden City paragraph (s) Make sentences be surprised at the news/to see you here until last year/mother came back be divided into groups/two parts every two weeks/five meters Try to make sentences with the above expressions. Example I was surprised at the news. Write a paragraph describing the location of the Forbidden City with the help of the map. The Forbidden City lies in the center of Beijing, north of Tian’anmen Square. Complete the dialogues with until, not…until… or unless. 1.A: What can I do ?I have no umbrella. B: Then you’d better wait _______ the rain stops
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