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国际中医中药杂志2014年7月第36卷第7期 Int J Trad Chin Med, July 2014, Vol. 36, No.7 ·581 · ·专题论坛· 试论古代中医师承制的特点及其价值 移敏 文庠 【摘要】 师承制是古代中医药学的主要传承方式,既有口传心授、言传身教、潜移默化、耳濡目 染等优势,又有拘于一家之言,一才一艺的劣势。古代中医师承制的现代价值,不在其形,而在其义。 应注重医德修养,纯正习医动机;注重经典学习,扎牢基础功底;注重临证实践,重在因材施教。 【关键词】 古代;中医师承制;现代价值 A perspective on characteristics and modern value of the apprentice system of ancient Chinese medicine Yi Min, Wen Xiang. Higher Education Study and Assessment Center, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210026, China Corresponding author:Wen Xiang,Email 【Abstract 】 The apprentice system is the principal succession method of ancient Chinese medicine. Masters pass down knowledge via verbal instructions as well as personal deeds, and apprentices are unconsciously influenced deeply within by what they see and hear from masters. That is where the strong point of the system. However, at the same time, apprentices are confined by their master’s instructions and learn only a part of the knowledge. It is the profound meaning rather than the form, that truly represents the modern value of the system. Traditional Chinese medicine stresses the cultivation of medical ethics, purification of learning motivation, study of classic works, solid foundation of basic skills and clinical practice. It also advocates that apprentices should be led and taught in accordance to his aptitude. 【Key words 】 Ancient times;Apprentice system of ancient Chinese medicine ;Modern value 中医药学是我国独特的传统医学,其薪火相 时期“学在官府”的垄断形式失去原有的经济支 传,源远流长,在漫长的发展过程中,师承教育 柱和政治依据,形成了“天子失官,学在四夷” 是历代中医主要的传承方式。其形式有家传、师 的新局面,私人自由讲学也日渐兴起。在这个历 承、院校教育、讲学论辩、私淑成才等,多种形 史进程中,医学教育业渐渐从官府向民间转移, 式并存、互补、兼


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