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III周履靖诗词曲研究邵舒惠,杨东甫导师,古代文学专业,元明清方向,12级摘要周履靖是明代一位隐士文学家,著作等身,作品类型多样。周履靖与其老 师彭辂以及表侄李日华来往密切,并与僧侣道人刘凤、茅坤、王世贞、屠隆、郑 琰、陈继儒等文人贤豪多有交往。周履靖诗歌主要内容可分为写景咏物诗、感怀诗、交游唱和赠别诗、边塞诗 和悼亡诗等几类。主要艺术特色体现为以晋唐为宗、内容形式跨度大及多用典故 等。周履靖词作的主要思想内容是对功名的否定和人生的无奈、宗教思想以及惜 景惜时。词作主要艺术特色为:使用词牌众多;情真;喜用典;透过酒看世界的 视角。周履靖在散曲、戏曲创作方面均有涉猎。其散曲集《鹤月瑶笙》以渲染其 隐居生活及宗教思想为主要内容,具有形式新奇、宫调曲牌多样化、俗中带雅、 化用手法等艺术特点。其传奇《锦笺记》演叙书生梅玉与柳淑娘的恋爱故事,属 才子佳人剧。关键词:周履靖;生平交游;诗词曲创作ABSTRACTZhou Lvjing is a hermit of the Ming dynasty . Zhou Lvjing not only has different kinds of literary works , but also has a large number of literary works .Zhou Lvjing has the close ties with his teacher Peng Lu and his nephew Li Rihua , Zhou Lvjing also has the close ties with taoist monks and literati of Liu Feng , Mao Kun,Wang Shizhen , Tu Long ,Zheng Yan , Chen Jiru,and so on.Zhou Lvjing has more than ten kinds of collection of poem , save more than 1400 poem .The main content is about his mourning poetry wrote by shedding blood and bursting out his eyes ; heartbroken poetry that give expression to the ideal of life and emotion, the hermitage leisure poem that describe southern scenery , The main artistic features give priority to with jin tang , Content and the form with a span and using the allusions .The content of Zhou Lvjingˊs Ci-poemis is to the fame of negation and the helpless of life , Religious thought and precious little scene be precious little time .The main artistic features is epigraph of numerous, love really,useing allusions, looking at the world with win.Zhou Lvjing also good at creating opera and a type of verse popular in the Yuan and Ming , his type of verse popular in the Yuan and Ming “He Yue Yao Sheng” , The main content is about the life of seclusion and religious thought, The main artistic feature is in the form of novel, modes of ancient Chinese music is diverse , elegant hide in the vulgar culture, to borrow others and change it. The opera “Jin Jian Ji”, its main content is the love story of Mei Yu and Liu Shuniang , they are b


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