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Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching For Logistics Supply Chain Management Logistics/Supply-Chain Management Evolution and Characteristics of Extended Enterprise 外延/扩展型企业 Future Trends in Supply Chain Management Management Best Practices are Evolving total supply chain costs consume about 7-12 % of corporate annual revenue across all industries. integrated supply-chain management (一体化的供应链管理) is now at the epicenter of business transformation. Extended Enterprise 外延/扩展型企业 The term extended enterprise represents the concept that a company is made up not just of its employees, its board members, and executives, but also its business partners, its suppliers, and even its customers. The extended enterprise can only be successful if all of the component groups and individuals have the information they need in order to do business effectively. Extended Enterprise 外延/扩展型企业 true enterprise-strength solutions (企业实力的解决方案) 随着全球化的发展,企业之间的竞争也日趋激烈。单个企业已经没有能力适应快速变化的市场,而必须和其它相关企业组成紧密的合作伙伴关系,形成扩展企业(Extended Enterprise),保证竞争力优势互补,来共同面对变化的市场和激烈竞争的对手。 1. Evolution and Characteristics of Extended Enterprise the genesis (起源)of extended enterprise logistics Japanese automobile makers 精益生产, Lean Production 精益生产(Lean Production,LP),又称精良生产,其中“精”表示精良、精确、精美;“益”表示利益、效益等等。精益生产就是及时制造,消灭故障,消除一切浪费,向零缺陷、零库存进军。 精益生产的来源 精益生产的特点 1、含义:一体化战略指企业以现有经营领域为基础,根据物流的方向,不断地向深度和广度发展,使企业的经济规模扩大或在上下游之间扩展的一种战略。 2、分类: 纵向/垂直一体化战略 (vertical integration) 横向/水平一体化战略 一体化(成长)战略 (Integrative Growth/Strategy) 供应链管理—横向一体化的代表 横向一体化——外包——供应链 1. Evolution and Characteristics of Extended Enterprise The best companies: Enjoy an advantage in total supply chain management cost of 3-6 percent of revenue Hold 50-80 percent less inventory than their competitors Have a 40-65 percent advantage in cash-to-cash cycle time over average companies. 2. Future Trends in Supply Chain Management Full-spectrum visibility and real-time management Example:Ford Motor Company 2. Future Trends in Supply Chain Management ——Total Connect


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