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( ) 2008年第 2 期            哈尔滨商业大学学报 社会科学版            No. 2 , 2008  总第 99期          JOURNAL OF HARB IN UN IV ER SITY OF COMM ERCE        Serial No. 99 [市场经济论坛 ] 基于时间序列的房地产价格指数预测方法探讨 周  亮 ,周  正 (郑州工业贸易学校 ,河南 郑州 450000) [摘  要 ] 文章首次提出一种与 AD F检验相结合的更加简便易行的长记忆性判断方法 。给出了一套将长 记忆参数 d 的初估计与近似极大似然估计相结合 ,将时间序列长记忆分析与短记忆分析相结合的系统性的建 模思路 。利用中国房地产价格指数 ,进行了时间序列长记忆性判断以及 AR F MI A 建模的实证研究 ,并证明了该 模型与其它模型相比较所体现的优越性 。 [关键词 ] 时间序列 ;房地产 ;价格指数 [中图分类号 ] F293. 30 [文献标识码 ]A  [文章编号 ] 1671 - 7 112 (2008) 02 - 0080 - 04 The Foreca st M ethod D iscu ssion of Rea l E sta te Pr ice In dex Ba sed on T im e Ser ies ZHOU L iang, ZHOU Zheng ( Zhengzhou Trade and Indu stry Schoo l, Zhengzhou 450000, Ch ina) Abstract: Th is article p roposed for the first tim e one k ind the even more easy to do and easier long m emory judgm ent m ethod wh ich un ifies w ith the ADF exam ination. Th is article has given a set the long m emory p aram eter at the beginn ing of estim ate and the app roxim ate m aximum likelihood m eth od estim ated un ifies, un ifies the tim e series long m emory analysis and the short m emory analysis the system atic modeling m entality. Finally, the p ap er u ses the Ch inese real estate p rice index, has carried on the tim e series long m emory judgm ent as well as the ARF IMA modeling real diagnosis re search, and had p roven th is model comp ares the sup eriority w ith other models wh ich m an ifests. Key words: tim e series; real estate; p rice index ( ) ( )   从理论上来说 ,房地产价格受到房屋供给和 MA 、自回归滑动平均模型 ARMA 及 自回归整



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