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兹有 宁波北仑船务有限公司 (买方)与南通科巨船舶机械有限公司(卖方)就 43800T散货船 配套制造的1.0m3海水压力水柜,经友好协商,达成如下协议: 技术规格 Technical specification 1. 1.0m3海水压力水柜 1.0 m3 sea water pressure water tank 型 号: YLG1.0 Type:YLG1.0 数 量:1台/船 QTY:1 set /ship 容 量:1.0m3 Calorifier Storage Vessel Capacity:1.0m3 法兰标准:GB2506-89 Standard of flange:GB2506-89 工作压力:0.4Mpa Working pressure:0.4Mpa 安装方式:立式 Type of setting:vertical type 主 材:Q235B Main material of body:Q235B 设计压力:0.6Mpa Design pressure:0.6Mp 技术要求 Technical specification 1、每只海水压力水柜所配附件 The each fresh water pre.tank 压力控制器(2只)、带不锈钢护套压力表(1只)、压力表阀(1只)、温度计(1只)、弹簧式安全阀(1只)、液位计(1只)、充气阀(1只)。 Pressure controller (two),stainless steel pressures gauge (one), pressure gauge cock (one),stainless steel thermometer (one),safety valve (one),liquid level indicator (one),gas-charging valve (one). 4、海水压力水柜外表面涂灰漆;内表面涂H06-4环氧富锌防锈底漆两度,H52-10环氧沥青防腐漆一度。 Insulation than be covered with jiry coated in heat-resisting silver paint H06-4 and H52-10 . 5、所有垫片材料均为非石棉型材料; All of gaskets are non-asbestos liner; 6、铭牌为H62材料、英文; Nameplate shall be in English of H62; 7、产品主体提供CCS证书,原件1份。 Certificates required: CCS original certificate: 1 copy。 三、图纸资料 Information of drawing 1、所有文件资料为中英文、完工资料为:中英文 All of documentation shall be in English Chinese, final information shall be in English Chinese。 2、 认可资料(中英文):技术协议及合同签订后15天内卖方提供,买方应于10天内提供反馈意见,否则视为同意。 Authorized Document (English and Chinese): Seller will provide the technical agreement and contract after 15 days of signature. Buyer will need to provide the feedback with 10 days otherwise it will treat as agreed. 四、产品保质期为交船后一年,或交货后18个月,两者以先列为准。 Product shelf life of one year after delivery of the ship or 18 months after delivery, which ever occurs first two. 五、本协议随合同签订同时生效。 This agreement shall become effective on the date when the contract has been duly executed. 六、未尽事宜,另行协商。 Matters that have not mentioned will be settled further by negotiation. 七、若协议的英文



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