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45 2 上 海 交 通 大 学 学 报 Vol. 45 No. 2 2011 2 JOU RNAL OF SH ANGH AI JIAOT ONG UNIVERSITY Feb. 2011 : 100 24 7( 2011) 1 2 刘世清, 姚 晔 ( 1. , 321004; 2. , 200240) : 对一种圆管形径向复合压电陶瓷超声换能器径向 动特性进行研究. 该换能器由径向极 化薄壁压电陶瓷短圆管与薄壁金属短圆管径向复合而成. 基于弹性力学理论和机电类比原理, 建立 了换能器径向 动机电类比等效电路, 并推导出其径向共 频率反共 频率方程及有效机电耦合 系数的解析式. 实验加工了一些径向复合换能器样品, 并对其径向共 频率及有效机电耦合系数进 行了测试. 结果表明, 理论与实验测试结果相吻合. : 压电换能器; 径向 动; 等效电路; 频率方程 : O 42 . 2 : A Invest igat ion on Radial Composite Round Tube Piezoelect ric Ceramic Ult rasonic Transducer 1 2 L I U S hiqing , YA O Ye ( 1. Applied Acoustic Institiute, Zhejiang Normal U niversity, Jinhua 321004, China; 2. School of M echanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China) Abstract : The radial vibration of a radial composite round tube piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer w as stud ied. T he transducer consists of an inner radially polarized short piezoelectric ceramic round tube and an outer short thinw alled metal prestressed tubular shell w hich are compounded in the radial direction. Based on the elastic dynamics theory and the electromechanical analogy, the equivalent circuit of the radial com posite piezoelectric transducer is derived. The analysis formulae of the resonance frequency and the anti resonance frequency equation as w ell as the effective electromechanical couple coefficient of the transducer are obtained. By testing the radial resonance frequencies and the effective electromechanical couple coeffi cients of some trialmade transducers, it is show n that the theoretical radial resonance frequencies of the transducers from the frequency equation in this paper are i


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