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译林版牛津高中英语教材话题整合佳句研读 第一方面现实生活方面 学校生活 课本佳句子研读: Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.我在英国上了一年的中学,那是一段令我非常开心、非常兴奋的经历。 The best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades.赢得全体师生尊敬的最佳途径是努力学习、得高分。 I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school. 我发现这里的家庭作业不像我以前在学校里那么繁重。 My English improved a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.我每天都在使用英语,每天还花一小时在图书馆里读英文书,因此,我的英语有了很大进步。 David was one of the most helpful students that we ever had.大卫是我们这里最乐于助人的学生之一。 Upon finishing his studies, he started traveling in China.学习一结束,他就开始了中国之旅。 We regret to inform you that our library will be closed next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting.我们很遗憾的通知:由于举行运动会,图书馆下周三、四、五三天不对外开放。 Our club is much more than just music.我们的俱乐部不只是播放音乐。 We always play songs sung by students and we also give special message to inform the parents of events such as outings and school plays.我们总是播放一些由学生们自己演唱的歌曲。我们还会广播通知,告知学生家长有关诸如远足、校内戏剧表演之类的活动。 At the end of the school year, many students who are graduating use our club to give messages to their close friends and teachers. 许多即将毕业的学生就会借助我们的广播俱乐部,向他们的好朋友和老师留下临别赠言。 High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work. 高中是发现、学习并努力学习的阶段。 High school is a time that will be treasured and kept in our memories for ever.高中是我们将珍惜并永存记忆的阶段。 To meet new challenges in this changeable world, we students should lose no time to acquire as much knowledge as possible. Activity is the only road to knowledge. Live to learn, not learn to live. This issue is becoming a matter of concern for more and more people, especially for parents and experts in education. Habit is the second nature, so teachers often remind us to develop a good habit. 成长的烦恼 课本佳句子研读: This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished and you …这个家可不是一个对不良行为听之任之的地方,而你… Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel, who has his arms c


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