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毕业设计(论文) 关于A医药物流公司配送问题及优化 学 号: 姓 名: 专 业: 物流管理 系 别: 经济管理系 指导教师: 讲师 二○一四年六月 摘 要 医药行业是一个多学科先进技术和手段高度融合的高科技产业群体,涉及国民健康、社会稳定和经济发展。近年来,我国制药行业得到迅猛发展,冷藏药品冷链物流行业迎来了广阔的发展空间。 冷链是供应链的一种特殊形式,它始于原料供应,经过加工、仓储、配送、销售等环节,终于消费终点,期间的各个环节始终处于规定的低温环境,是以保证药品质量、减少药品损耗为目标的一项系统工程。由于药品冷链产品对于温度和对时效性的要求较高,其管理的关键在对整个链条中冷环境的控制上,强调在整个过程中都要达到无缝衔接的要求。可见,医药生产企业和医药物流公司都应就低温、冷藏药品,在储运中冷链的完整性,以及如何保证冷藏药品在渠道管理过程的安全有效进行了深入的探讨。 本文旨在从药品这种特殊商品的角度出发,探讨医药冷藏物流的发展状况,并对药品安全问题、药品冷链特点及发展现状、A医药物流公司的配送流程,从而指出A医药物流存在的问题。以药品冷藏供应链为切入点,对A医药物流企业药品冷链的流程分析,提出A物流公司药品冷链存在的问题,并对其药品冷链流程基于RFID技术进行优化,以期对整个冷链物流质量加以改进,进而提高药品质量,增强终端消费满意度。 关键词:医药物流;冷链;冷藏药品;流程优化;无线射频识别(RFID) ABSTRACT Pharmaceutical industry belongs to multidisciplinary high-tech industry groups, in public health, social stability and economic development. In recent years, pharmaceutical industry of China gets rapid development, particularly in pharmaceutical cold chain logistics industry,. The pharmaceutical cold chain logistics industry has broad space for development. Cold chain is a special form of the supply chain. It begins in supply of raw materials, through processing, warehousing, distribution, marketing and other aspects, and finish in consumption. All aspects of it are always under prescriptive low temperature environment, in order to ensure quality of drugs. As pharmaceutical cold chain products have strict requirements in temperature and time, their management lies in control of cold environment of the entire chain. So far, pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmaceutical logistics companies should throw into deep research on integrity of cold chain for cold medicines during storage and transportation, and security of channel management of cold medicines. This article aims to discuss with development of pharmaceutical cold chain logistics industry, from point of view of medicines (a special commodity), and analysis drug safety issues, and characteristics, development status, development environment of cold chain of medicines, the dis


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