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与标准极限比较后,可以看出,涂喷房对应的排气口N9在排气筒高度为11m时的情况下,二甲苯排放速率超过了允许极限(1.13,0.81,0.27) 相应标准极限 排气筒高度(m) 标准极限(kg/h) 苯 15 0.50 甲苯 15 3.1 二甲苯 15 1.0 20 1.7 16 1.14 根据标准极限,该项目新增钢圈产能后,钢圈线涂喷房排气筒加高至16m方能达到排放速率限制要求。 风量(m3/b) 苯 甲苯 二甲苯 烤炉自然排风口 663 4.52x10-3 2.56x10-3 0.754 静置座 5050 1.80 0.653 2.97 面涂喷房 19172 1.62 12.47 52.68 烤炉强制排风口 915 4.81x10-3 2.95x10-3 7.21x10-4 最高允许排放浓度 -- 12 40 70 “三苯”废气的排放还应满足GB16297-1996《大气污染物综合排放标准》表2中最高允许排放浓度的极限要求。新增钢圈产能后各排风口“三苯”排放浓度与最高允许排放浓度如下表。 新增钢圈产能实现后,烟尘、SO2排放量虽然有增加,但新老污染源迭加后,仍远小于该项目允许的排放速率和排放量的限制要求。因此,新增烟尘、SO2的排放对周围环境没有显著影响。 而涂喷房对应的排气口在排气筒高度为11m情况下,二甲苯排放速率超过 了最高排放速率的允许限制。苯、甲苯在各排气筒的排放速率则符合11m排气筒高度下的允许限制要求。在各排气筒现有风量的基础上,各污染物的排放浓度符合最高允许排放浓度的限制要求。 评论小节 5 对策与结论 钢圈线面涂喷房二甲苯排放速率超标问题。 钢圈涂装面涂喷房的排气筒应加高至16m以上 保证二甲苯排放速率符合《大气污染物综合排放标准》 表2二级要求。在此基础上,该项目增加120万件、 年的钢圈产能从环境保护的角度分析是可行的。 谢谢观看 Presentations are a powerful communication medium. * For more than 20 years, Duarte has developed presentations… * …to launch products, * …align employees, * …increase company value, * …and propel * …global causes. * Along the way we’ve discovered… * The first rule is: Treat your audience as king. * Your audience deserves to be treated like royalty. Design a presentation that meets their needs, not just yours. * The second rule is: Spread ideas and move people. * Your audience didn’t show up to read your 60 page on screen dissertation. * Give them those things in a clear, easily understandable way… * The next rule is: Help them see what you are saying. * …and you will undoubtedly find favor with the king. * As tempting as it is to fill your slides with stuff, often de-decorating is the best policy. * Sometimes moving images can inspire in a way that static slides cannot. A slow moving animation creates a sense of nostalgia. * A sequential build adds a sense of suspense. * * The next rule is: Help them see what you are saying. * Rule number 4: Practice design, not decoration. * As tempting as it is to fill your slides with stuff, often de-decorating is the best policy. * The last rule