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Safety and EMC requirements and/or safety measures General For the application of EN 294, EN 457, EN 842, EN 953, EN 954-1 clause 5.3, prEN 1005-2, prEN 1005-3, EN 1837, EN 60204-1 the manufacturer shall carry out an adequate risk assessment for the requirements thereof where choice is necessary. 电磁兼容(EMC)要求及安全措施 1.1 总则 为执行EN 294、 EN 457、 EN 842、EN 953、 EN 954-1第5.3条、prEN 1005-2、 prEN 1005-3、 EN 1837、 EN 60204-1,制造商应依据其中相关要求进行充分必要的风险评估。 NOTE This specific risk assessment is part of the general risk assessment relating to the hazards not covered by this “C” standard 注:此特定风险评估为有关“C”标准未涵盖风险的总体风险评估的一部分。 Power driven parking equipment and systems shall comply with the safety requirements and/or protective measures of this clause. In addition, power driven parking equipment and systems shall be designed according to the principles of EN 292 for hazards which are relevant but not significant, which are not dealt with by this document (e.g. sharp edges). 电力驱动的停车设备系统应符合安全要求和/或本条款的保护措施。此外,电力驱动的停车设备系统的设计应依据EN 292中列明的应对相关但非重大风险的原则。本文本对此未予述及,如棱角锐利的情形。 Design criteria The design shall be based on the criteria mentioned in annex A. Where less favourable situations occur the actual forces and their position shall be taken into account. 设计标准 设计应基于附件A 所述标准。倘发生不符合标准的情形,其实际影响和后果应予考虑。 Combinations of hazard Dealing with each separate hazard is considered to cover their combinations. 任何针对单个风险的规定应视为涵盖其结合形式。. Control devices and equipment used for safety purposes General Control devices and equipment used for safety purposes, depending on the design, include all equipment and circuits associated with e.g.: ultimate tripping and position tripping functions; malfunction and fault detection functions; interlocking functions; overspeed tripping functions; braking functions; start functions; stop and emergency stop functions. 用于安全目的的控制装置和设备 总则 用于安全目的的控制装置和设备,依其设计,包括所有有关的设备和电路,比如: 终极跳闸和定位跳闸功能; 故障探测功能; 联锁功能; 超速跳闸功能; 制动功能; 启动功能; 停止与紧急停止功能. Devices and equipment Control devices, safety


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