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第03章 信用证(讲义)
第 三 章 信 用 证 本 章 结 构 学 习 目 标 第 一 节 信用证的概述 内 容 提 要 信用证的涵义 信用证的特点 信用证的主要当事人 信用证的结算程序 第 二 节 信用证的开立 内 容 提 要 申请开证的程序 申请开证应注意的问题 开立信用证应注意的问题 开证申请书的填制 第 三 节 信用证的内容 第 四 节 信用证的审核 The certificates of inspection would be issued and signed by the applicant of L/C before shipment of cargo, which the signature will be inspected by issuing bank. The goods will be shipped upon the appointed vessel by the applicant of L/C and sending a cable/telex amendment of L/C by issuing bank to advising bank, which an amendment should be negotiated accompanied with the original documents. The goods will be shipped upon receipt of shipping advice issued by opener of L/C appointing the name of vessel, which will be issued by way of an amendment to this credit by the issuing bank. Commercial invoice in triplicate, all duly signed and countersigned by the applicant of L/C whose signatures must be in conformity with the specimen signatures held in bank. THIS CREDIT IS NON-OPERATIVE UNLESS THE NAME OF CARRYING VESSEL HAS BEEN APPROVED BY APPLICANT AND TO BE ADVISED BY L/C OPENING BANK IN FORM OF AN L/C ANENDMENT TO BENEFICIARY 本章须掌握的专业术语 课 后 任 务 1. 本条款是指SWIFT电文的页次号。 2. 如果信用证中某些条款的内容太多,超出了限制字数,就用另一套电文格式MT701来补充。 正 文 Documentary L/C 跟单信用证 Irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证 Confirmed L/C 保兑信用证 Negotiation L/C 议付信用证 信用证的有效期是卖方向银行交单的最后期限,也是开证行保证付款的期限。一个信用证没有有效期,则本身无效。 信用证有效期的到期地点一般是受益人所在国为信用证的有效期到期地点。 At Beneficiary’s country at your counter In China 开证申请人 Applicant Opener Principal 以…为开证申请人 for account of… at the request of… by order of… 一般填写出口商的名称和地址。 以……为受益人 in favour of… in ones favour amount RMB¥… 金额:人民币… up to an aggregate amount of Hongkong Dollars… 累计金额最高为港币…… for the amount of USD… 金额为美元…… 信用证规定由某一银行议付或任何银行都可议付的信用证。 指定某一银行议付的信用证称为“限制议付信用证”;任何银行都有权议付的信用证称为“公开 (自由)议付的信用