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第0章 矢量分析及场论基础-2
一、标量场的等值面 在研究场的特性时,以场图表示场变量在空间逐点分布的情况具有很大的意义。 对于标量场,其分布可以形象地应用等值面(contour plane/isosurface)来描绘。 The surface on which the given function is constant. 分布在标量场中各点处的数量φ的分布情况,常常需要考察场中有相同物理量的点,也就是使φ(x,y,z)取相同数值的各点: φ(x,y,z)=const -constant 此式在几何上一般表示一个曲面,称为标量场的等值面。不同的值,可获得一系列等值面,从而直观地描绘了该标量场的空间分布状态。 contour plane/isosurface Exercises Given a scalar Find the contour plane at the point M(1,0,1). 二、标量场的方向导数directional derivative 等值面:了解标量场的分布情况 但只能大致了解标量φ在场中的整体分布情况。 而要详细地研究标量场,还必须对它的局部状态进行深入分析,也就是要考察标量φ在场中各点处的邻域内沿每一方向的变化情况。 为此,引入方向导数的概念。 方向导数:标量场在某点的方向导数表示标量场自该点沿某一方向上的变化率。 The rate of change of a scalar function along the direction. In a scalar field, the magnitude of the scalar may vary with position, and the spatial rate of change of the scalar would be different for different directions. To describe this property of a scalar field, the directional derivative is required. Exercises Given a scalar Find the directional derivative at the point M(1,0,1), along the direction Gradient of Scalar Field 方向导数:标量场在给定点沿某个方向的变化率问题。 但从场中的给定点出发,可以有无穷多个方向,通常不必要更不可能研究所有方向的变化率。 实际中,只关心沿哪一个方向变化率最大,此变化率是多少? Gradient of Scalar Field 梯度:标量场在某点梯度的大小等于该点的最大方向导数,梯度的方向为该点具有最大方向导数的方向。可见,梯度是一个矢量。 在直角坐标系中,标量场 φ 的梯度可表示为 It is a common practice to write this gradient of φ(x,y,z) as , where , called del or nabal, is referred to as the gradient operator. The gradient of a scalar function φ(x,y,z) is The gradient operator itself can be written in rectangular coordinates as We summarize the properties or the gradient of a scalar function at a point as follows: 1.It is normal to the surface on which the given function is constant. 2.It points in the direction in which the given function changes most rapidly with position. 3.Its magnitude gives the maximum rate of change of the given function per unit distance. 4.The directional derivative of a function at a point in any direction is equal to the dot product of the gradient of the function and the unit ve