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第3讲 心血管系统疾病
高血压,脑出血(基底节) 防治高血压的非药物措施 减重:减少热量、平衡膳食、增加运动 膳食限盐:每人每天食盐量在6g以下 减少膳食脂肪,少吃糖和甜食 增加并保持适当体力活动 保持乐观心态,提高应激能力 戒烟、限酒 Normal aorta, elastic tissue stain, low power microscopic. * This is a normal coronary artery. The lumen is large, without any narrowing by atheromatous plaque. The muscular arterial wall is of normal proportion. * * Put down that jelly doughnut and look carefully at this aorta. The white arrow denotes the most prominent fatty streak in the photo, but there are other fatty streaks scattered over the aortic surface. Fatty streaks are the earliest lesions seen with atherosclerosis in arteries. * 图示主动脉的纤维斑块,呈灰白色,圆形或卵圆形,隆起于内膜表面。相邻的内膜皱缩。多在主动脉的肋间动脉开口处。 * This microscopic cross section of the aorta shows a large overlying atheroma on the left. Cholesterol clefts are numerous in this atheroma. The surface on the far left shows ulceration and hemorrhage. Despite this ulceration, atheromatous emboli are rare (or at least, complications of them are rare). * 图示三条主动脉,从下向上分别显示轻、中、重度粥样硬化。轻度者只有散在的脂纹,中度者有很多较大的斑块,重度者斑块广泛溃疡形成。 * The anterior surface of the heart demonstrates an opened left anterior descending coronary artery.Within the lumen of the coronary can be seen a dark red recent coronary thrombosis. The dull red color to the myocardium as seen below the glistening epicardium to the lower right of the thrombus is consistent with underlying myocardial infarction. * Here is an example of an atherosclerotic aneurysm of the aorta in which a large bulge appears just above the aortic bifurcation.Such aneurysms are prone to rupture when they reach about 6 to 7 cm in size. They may be felt on physical examination as a pulsatile mass in the abdomen.Most such aneurysms are conveniently located below the renal arteries so that surgical resection can be performed with placement of a dacron graft. * The coronary artery shown here has narrowing of the lumen due to build up of atherosclerotic plaque. Severe narrowing can lead to angina, ischemia, and infarction. * There is a sever