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C2C电子商务环境下消费者行为分析 摘? 要:进入21世纪,基于我国互联网的迅速普及和快速发展,电子商务理念越来越被大众接受。我国电子商务无论从形式还是从商务环境,都达到了空前的繁荣。C2C电子商务作为电子商务发展最快的一种模式,极大地满足了消费者追求个性、要求主动参与的消费愿望,调动了网络消费者参与并推动网络购物发展的热情。但是,C2C电子商务的发展很大程度上依赖于外部环境,如物流、第三方支付、网络安全等,而这些因素也将影响网络消费者的消费行为,因此,研究C2C电子商务环境下消费者行为,从商家、交易平台、物流中心多个视角对消费者行为进行分析,将有助于电子商务的良性发展,对构建稳定的网络购物环境将起到积极的作用,同时,也有利于政府部门制定电子商务法规,有利于各方参与者更好的提供优质的服务,开展积极有效的营销,对于整个商务环境也将起到良好的调节和引导作用。 关键字:C2C电子商务??? 网络购物??? 消费者行为 ? Analysis consumers behaviors under the circumstance of C2C electronic commerce Abstract:? Since in 21st centre, the internet is widely and rapidly spread throughout our nation, which makes the concept of electronic commerce accepted by the public. The operational form of electronic commerce and the environment of business have been developed into unprecedented blooming period. C2C, as one of the fastest developing mode in electronic commerce, can greatly satisfy consumers who pursuit individualism and wish to be active participants. It can also encourage more internet consumers and promote it do develop further. However, the development of C2C mainly relies on the external environment, such as the physical distribution, the third-party payment platform, and the internet security. These factors also influence the internet consumers’ behavior. So, the study of consumers’ behavior under the C2C electronic commerce environment, analyzing from angle of trade companies, trade platform, and logistics center, can help the electronic commerce has a sound development, and be positive to maintain and further develop the internet commerce environment. Meanwhile, it can offer advices for the government to formulate relevant laws on electronic commerce, to help the participant get better services and carry out effective marketing. This will be a good adjustment and guidance for the whole commerce environment.? ? Key words:? C2C electronic commerce, internet shopping, consumer behavior ? 1. 研究的背景和意义 进入21世纪,互联网已成为全球最大的互联网络,覆盖了150多个国家和地区。[1]互联网的迅速普及和信息技术的迅速发展,加速了世界经济信息化和经济全球


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