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Lean01 Lean Introduction Release 1a+ * Glossary of Lean Terms Lean01 Lean Introduction Release 1a+ * Building Blocks for shop floor discipline and control; Sort, Sweep, Standardize, Self Discipline, Sustain. (Kaizen) A 3-5 day event with the teams focused on taking action and making changes quickly…Solving problems empirically, through physical simulation, observation and iteration. A visual device, usually a specialized light that operators use to call attention to an abnormality. The use of this is to request immediate attention and action to the problem. The use of machines working independently of manpower. The process of separating the work of man and machine characterized by: work not movement; quality built into the process; and visual management. (see Jidoka) The optimal physical layout or machines and manpower A method of conducting single-piece flow in which the operator proceeds from machine to machine (in a counter-clockwise fashion), taking a part from the previous operation and loading it in the next machine. Then taking the part just removed from that machine, checking it and loading it into the following machine…etc,… The total time required for a task to be complete. Cycle time is process specific, and many cycle times will exist within an overall lead time of making a product Work done simultaneous to or in conjunction with transportation or conveyance. e.g. (1) an assembly is moving down a line while a person is performing work, (2) a person acts as a conveyor carrying a part to the next machine in a Chaku-chaku fashion. The main purpose of flow is to quickly and continuously identify and eliminate waste. The process of level loading and sequencing the timing of customer demand for products or services. 5S Action Workout Andon Automation Autonomation Cell Chaku-Chaku Cycle Time Flow Heijunka Lean Glossary Lean01 Lean Introduction Release 1a+ * Jidoka (Autonomation): One of the 3 main principles of Lean, it has 2 ma


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