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网络拓扑: ? 条件要求: 软件 做HA的两台设备软件版本必须相同 Platform Active/Passive Active/Active ISG Series 5.0.0 or above 5.0.0 or above NS5000 Series 5.0.0 or above 5.0.0 or above SSG550/550M 5.1.0 or above 5.1.0 or above SSG520/520M 5.1.0 or above 6.0.0 or above SSG300 Series 5.4.0 or above 5.4.0 or above SSG 140 5.4.0 or above 6.0.0 or above SSG5 SSG20 5.4.0 or above* 6.0.0 or above* NS500 5.1.0 or above 5.1.0 or above NS200 Series 5.1.0 or above 5.1.0 or above NS50 5.1.0 or above Not Supported NS25 5.1.0 or above** Not Supported NS5gt 5.1.0 or above*** Not Supported 注: *?? extended license required **? Supports only NSRP Lite.? *** Supports only NSRP Lite? extended license required. 另外,如果防火墙要做透明模式的HA,那么Active/Active模式要在ScreenOS 6.1.0? or above才支持的;而且是以下平台:the SSG-500 series, NS-ISG-1000, NS-ISG-2000, and all NS-5000 platforms. ? 许可 两台防火墙必须有想同功能的软件许可; ? 硬件 两台防火墙必须是相同的硬件,有相同的模块; ? ? 网络详情: 这里配置举例使用设备ISG1000,两台做HA,A/S模式,ethernet1/1为信任端口,ethernet1/2为非信任端口,ethernet1/4为HA接口; ? 详细配置: 1、???????????? 配置主设备 set interface ethernet1/1 zone V1-Trust set interface ethernet1/2 zone V1-Untrust set interface ethernet1/4 zone HA ?set interface vlan1 ip /24 set interface vlan1 manage-ip ?set interface vlan1 ip manageable set zone V1-Untrust manage ping set zone V1-Untrust manage web ?set policy id 2 from V1-Trust to V1-Untrust?Any Any ANY permit ?set route /0 interface vlan1 gateway 54 ?set nsrp cluster id 1 set nsrp rto-mirror sync set nsrp vsd-group id 0 priority 10 set nsrp vsd-group id 0 preempt set nsrp vsd-group id 0 monitor interface ethernet1/1 set nsrp vsd-group id 0 monitor interface ethernet1/2 ? 2、???????????? 配置备设备 set nsrp cluster id 1 set nsrp rto-mirror sync set nsrp vsd-group id 0 priority 100 set nsrp vsd-group id 0 monitor interface ethernet1/1 set nsrp vsd-group id 0 monitor interface ethernet1/2 ? nsisg1000-exec nsrp sync global save Save global configuration successfully. Continue to save local configurations ... Save local configuration successfully. ? nsisg100


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