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Oracle 电子病历解决方案
Oracle eHR电子健康信息平台 内容 建设“以人为本”的医疗服务体系 跨机构的一体化医疗服务平台 全方位的医疗服务机制 医疗服务的生命周期管理 eHR医疗卫生数据信息平台 市民自助服务流程图-示例 病患的医疗信息管理 病患医疗预约服务 医疗机构和医疗方案的智能查询和选择 病患的分类统计和医疗服务绩效分析 内容 医疗卫生数据信息平台 医疗卫生数据信息平台 Healthcare Record 与现有系统的集成 HL7 V3 Message 应用构建/部署架构 HL7 Version 3 参照信息模型 (Reference Information Model) HTB 实现架构和方法 How can these complex problems be addressed? By becoming, what we here at Siebel Systems call, a Customer-Driven Enterprise. The Customer Driven Enterprise revolves around the concept of becoming “one company” in the eyes of customers. Before, the customer was dealing with an organization that acted like a three or four companies bound together in name only. But the Customer-Driven Enterprise has a single comprehensive customer record, ensuring that the customer has a consistent, high quality experience. One experience, one communication standard, one hotline, one web site, one integrated set of products, one relationship with that customer. One company. The HL7 community developed the Reference Information Model as a basis for version 3 of its messaging standard. The structure of this model represents the collective insight of the industry. Virtually every major member of this community has participated in its development. As a member of this community, Oracle has been an active member in this process. The result is a structure that represents the complex nature of healthcare data. We see this model as providing a highly flexible framework for representing both the structure of data as well as its dynamics. The backbone of the Reference Information Model shown in this slide has been relatively stable for over a year now. This core structure provides a solid foundation for managing clinical data. Overtime HL7 will extend the model to include claims data. Oracle will incorporate these extensions into the HTB. The HL7 version 3 information model provides the bases for how we have structured the logical view into the repository. This logical view is an Enterprise Object
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