unit 1 Your College Years 完整版.ppt

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unit 1 Your College Years 完整版

The audience disliked the film thoroughly and were ____by whistling and stamping their feet. A. protecting B. protesting C. projecting D. proposing protest 意为“抗议,提出异议;反对”,后接against; protect意为“保护,保卫”;project意为“计划,规划”; propose意为“提议,提出”。 Relate to She doesn’t relate very well to her mother. I can’t relate to his ideas at all. These proposals relate only to agricultural land. to have a satisfactory relationship with sb to understand and accept to be about relate sth to/with sth: connect (two things) in thought or meaning; associate sth with sth She related to them how it happened. He related the whole story to us. relate sth to sb: tell sb sth in/with relation to:as regards; concerning Examples: I have a lot to say in relation to that affair. ?We can ____ the two islands with a bridge. A. unite B. connect C. relate D. combine 我们可以用桥将两座岛屿联接起来。【难点】connect意为“连接;与…衔接”;unite意为“结合;团结”;relate意为“把…与…联系起来”;combine意为“结合;联合;化合”。 Paragraph 6 Affection giving and receiving. 1) “I” related to “my” father In the past “I” was encouraged by “my” father; now “I” was encouraging him. The example reflects the change that college students are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world. Detailed Reading: affection giving and receiving (para. 6) affection n. a gentle feeling of love and caring Examples: Every mother has/feels affection toward her children. affectionate a. 深情的,充满深情的 He looks at her with affectionate looks. cf: affectation n. 矫饰,做作,矫揉造作 2) Sentence pattern: It is a time when … c.f. It is a time (for sb) to do sth It is a time for sth/doing sth Detailed Reading: affection giving and receiving (para. 6) Blank Filling It is a time for children ___________ thanks for their mothers love.? (show) It is a time for _____________ loved ones who have departed. (remember) It is a time too short _______________ a world-without-end bargain in.? (make) It was dinner time when Rob _________ home. (get) It is a time when we ______________ decision


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