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Metal Matrix Composites (bilingual teaching) College of materials science and engineering Jilin University Professor Yu-guang ZHAO Chapter 2, Interface and compatibility of composites (复合材料界面、及界面相容性,2学时) (2 class hours) Teaching materials and references: [1] Metal Matrix Composites Edited by Karl U. Kainer 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH Co. KGaA, Weinheim ISBN: 3-527-31360-5 [2] Composites manufacturing: materials, product, and process engineering / by Sandjay K. Mazumdar. CRC Press LLC, 2000 N.W. Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, Florida 33431. [3] Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of in situ metal matrix composites, S.C. Tjong, Z.Y. Ma, Materials Science and Engineering, 29 (2000) 49-113 Reports: A Review Journal. If you have some difficulties to read English teaching materials, you can look up Chinese book as follow: [4] 金属基复合材料,张国定等编著,上海交通大学出版社,上海,1996年7月。 [5] 金属基复合材料,于春田编著,冶金工业出版社,北京,1995年5月。 Chapter 2, Interface and Compatibility of composites 复合材料的界面及其相容性 (2class hours) 2.1 Preface(引言) Compared with monolithic materials the microstructure and the interfaces of metal matrix composite materials cannot be considered in isolation, they are mutually related. Chemical interactions and reactions between the matrix and the reinforcement component determine the interface adhesion, modify the characteristics of the composite components and affect the mechanical characteristics significantly. In high temperature use of MMCs the microstructure has to remain stable for long service periods. Thermal stability and failure is determined by changes in the microstructure and at the interfaces, e.g. reaction and precipitation processes. Thermal stress of MMCs can take place both isothermally and cyclically. The effects show differences. During a cyclic load of monolithic materials, especially at high temperature gradients and cycle speeds, a high probability of failure by thermal fatigue is to be expected, e.g. short-fiber reinforced aluminum alloy


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