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校本课教案英语短剧的改编和排演 一:目的 英语学习是语言的操练,运用和积累的过程。英语的课堂教学在操练时间和语言练习量上是非常有限的,远远达不到熟练运用的程度。 英语短剧的改编和排练,为学生模拟现实,是延伸课堂知识,拓宽学生的语言练习空间,创造语言操练的互动机会;一方面,学生通过自编短剧,来观察社会,认识社会;开发他们自己的交际能力,表演能力和创造能力及提升他们的综合素质;另一方面,通过英语短剧的改编来激发和提高学生学习英语的兴趣,。。。 二:重点和难点; 1. 掌握短剧的基本要素: a)时间,地点,人物。 b)情节的起因,发展和结果。 c)人物的外表和内心性格的刻画。 d) 景物和人物 2. 了解短剧改编原则: a) 不改变原文的主题思想。 b) 根据短剧的表演特点,情节可作适当的修改。 c) 改编的短剧有现实意义,符合生活。 3:熟悉短剧排练技能: a) 认真体会,进入角色,身临其景。 b) 口齿伶俐,表达清楚,表情丰富。 c) 动作自然,进退有系,人景协调。 第 一 课 时 内容:1学习和分析短剧的要素。 2 回答问题 step one. 分发一篇短剧,让学生个人阅读。(短剧见附件1,The Missing Fossils)。要求学生带着下面的问题来读。 Questions: (on bd) 1.本篇短剧的大意是什么?剧情的起始,发展和结局。 Stephen, a teenager, happened to meet with two paleontologists Peg: Raf, from Argentina, and stop some important Fossils stolen. 2.短剧中有哪些人物? 挑出对人物的外表和内心刻画的句子。 Stephen, a teenager; (jumped with excitement)What a stroke of luck!!! (He made sure that no one else was in the bay and crawled out of those boxes, to the box from Argentina. He looked at the lid on the box.) “Professor Rafael de Leon. National Museum of Natural Science.” This is the lost box 17! (He held the box and ran out of the bay carefully.) ? Peg: from Argentina, (smiled more coldly) Legal? What a fa-a-ascinating idea! But how? Raf, from Argentina, (He turned a few pages and stood up, turning to Stephen.) (sighed and shook his head) You want me to sell my country’s national treasure to private collectors, so they can decorate their fancy living room . Gentlemen, as I have told you before, you and I are not on the same side of the fence. I only work with museums and people who seek to educate the public. Paul Taylor, Brian Firth: two thieves. (slowly relaxing his angry face) We’re willing to pay top dollars, of course. (smiled weirdly) Then, goodbye, dear Professor. You’ll know that money is everything soon—I promise, soon. (They left.) ? 3.短剧的解说词用了什么时态?注意人物对白的时态。 Narrator: Stephen, a teenager who loved painting, was standing in front of the bones of a dinosaur. Narrator: The woman said with such authority tha


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