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攀枝花学院 Panzhihua University 攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 薄煤层割煤机—截割机构结构设计及典型零件的加工工艺编制及工装设计 学生姓名: 杨茂梅 学 号: 200410627163 院 (系): 机电工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级: 2004级机械设计制造及其自动化4班 指导教师: 陈 永 强 职 称: 副教授 二〇〇八年六月 摘 要 我国是煤炭资源大国,薄煤层储量十分丰富结构简单、制造容易、操作使用和维护管理都极其方便,可减轻工人劳动强度,提高生产效率和煤品的块个率,经济效益十分显著 ABSTRACT In our country the coal resource is very rich.The thin coal bed reserves is very rich, but its mining efficiency is low.Therefore the important thing is researching significance regarding the thin coal beds coalcutters development. This paper offers the design of the cutting frame structure of the thin seam coal cutter, including the design of the driving part of the cutting part, transmitting part and cutting part; imputed in the anti-violent motor and transmitted by the two stage helical gear and one stage bevel gear, and then the chain wheels will be driven to roll, with the cutting tools welded on the chains to move together. Workmanship analysis of the structure of the coal-cutter should be made afterwards, and the process workmanship of the box body and one set of uniform design of its processing should be established, the representative parts shall be indicated by the triaxiality programs at last. This thin coal bed coalcutter structure is simple. The manufacture is easy, the operation uses and maintains the management extremely to be convenient, so it is suitable for the middle and small scale coal mine to use in specially to the thin coal bed carries on the mechanized cutting and cutting mining coal work. It may reduce the worker labor intensity , raises the production efficiency and coal block rate. The output increases and the economic efficiency is very remarkable. Key Words: Coal-cutter, Cutting part, Box body, Workmanship 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT Ⅱ 1 绪论 1 1薄煤层割煤机的研究意义 1 2薄煤层割煤机主要要求 1 2 传动系统方案拟定 2 2.1方案一 2 2.2方案二 2 2.3方案三 3 2.4 方案比较 4 3 计算功率 5 3.1类比法求一个刀具的切削力 5 3.2功率的计算 5 4 各轴运动与动力


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