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46 井冈山大学学报(自然科学版) 第 33 卷第 6 期 2012 年 11 月 Vol.33 No.6 Nov. 2012 井冈山大学学报(自然科学版) Journal of Jinggangshan University (Natural Science) 46 文章编号:1674-8085(2012)06-0046-05 基于 WebVR 的井冈山虚拟旅游系统架构设计 *谭云兰 1,3,贾金原 2,康永平 4,彭 硕 1,张 博 2 (1. 井冈山大学电子与信息工程学院,江西,吉安 343009;2. 同济大学软件学院,上海 201804; 3. 同济大学电子与信息工程学院,上海 201804;4. 井冈山大学网络中心,江西,吉安 343009) 摘 要:针对当前主流的 VR 虚拟旅游系统因虚拟场景重型及网络带宽有限等因素而存在不能使游客直接浏览 WEB 页面,需下载插件或客户端系统才能浏览的问题,对虚拟旅游实景漫游系统的轻量化架构进行研究。研究 3D 场景轻量化建模、3D 引擎调用和轻量化脚本设计等技术,搭建云存储传输平台,集成导游人等关键技术,架 构“网上井冈山???WebVR 系统。架构的系统将使游客直接实时在线快速浏览 Web 页面,提高系统交互感、沉浸感。 关键词:WebVR;虚拟旅游系统;WEB 3D; 虚拟场景;3D 引擎;云存储 中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8085.2012.06.011 FRAMEWORK OF CONSTRUCTING JINGGANGSHAN VIRTUAL TOURISM SYSTEM AND ITS KEY TECHNOLOGIES BASED ON WEBVR * TAN Yun-lan1,3 , JIA Jin-yuan2, KANG Yong-ping4, PENG Shuo1, ZHANG Bo2 (1. School of Electronic Information and Engineering,Jinggangshan University,Ji’an,Jiangxi 343009,China; 2. College of software, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804,China; 3. School of Electronic Information and Engineering , Tongji University,Shanghai 201804,China; 4. Center of Network, Jinggangshan University,Ji’an,Jiangxi 343009,China) Abstract: The web pages of current well-known virtual tourism system based on virtual reality can’t be surfed directly for the opposition between real-time transformation of high-weight virtual scenes and limited network bandwidth, as downloading the supplicant system or plugin program of the system will mislead the tourists. To solve this problem, lightweight framework of Jinggangshan virtual real tourism system is constructed. Such key technologies as lightweight technology of 3D virtual scenes is researched. At the same time, such technologies as virtual roaming interactivity and modeling intelligent virtual dragoman are integrated in the system. In addition, important steps including invoking method of Web3D engine and lightweight script programs and constructing Cloud storage transmission platform are essential to


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