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QUOROM 清单 QUOROM 清单 QUOROM 清单 QUOROM 摘要:使用结构化的格式 目的:明确描述临床问题 The effect of fish oil on heart rate (HR), a major risk factor for sudden death, is not well established. We calculated this effect in a meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in humans. 资料来源:列出文献数据库和其他信息来源 Randomized trials of fish oil that evaluated HR were identified through MEDLINE (1966 through January 2005), hand-searching of references, and contact with investigators for unpublished results. QUOROM 摘要:使用结构化的格式 综述方法:概括研究选择的标准(如对象、干预、结局和研究设计),详细描述真实性评价、资料提取和数据定量合成的方法,以及研究的特征,使读者能够重复 Two investigators independently extracted trial data. A pooled estimate was calculated from random-effects meta-analysis. Predefined stratified meta-analyses and meta-regression were used to explore potential heterogeneity. QUOROM * * * * * * * Digestion of the 210-base-pair (bp) PCR product with BstOI produced fragments of the following sizes: 99, 62, 30, 12, and 7 bp in Trp64 homozygotes; 161, 99, 62, 30, 12, and 7 bp in Trp64/Arg64 heterozygotes; and 161, 30, 12, and 7 bp in Arg64 homozygotes * * * The intra-class correlation coefficient among twin pairs sharing 1 and 2 IBS alleles, shown in Figure 6?5, also implied that Log HOMA values were more similar among co-twins with more similar genotypes at this locus. * Figure 1. Structural similarity between isoflavones and oestrogens. The basic structural unit of the isoflavones comprises two benzene rings (A and B), linked via a heterocyclic pyrone ring (C). Isoflavones, such as genistein, are known as phytoestrogens because their chemical structure is similar to that of the female hormone oestrogen, as shown here from the superimposed structure of genistein (light blue) with oestradiol (purple), the most potent mammalian oestrogenic hormone. * * * * 论文的投稿和评阅 选择高一点的刊物 注意刊物的读者范围 投石问路(query letter) 注意投稿要求 投稿信(cover letter) 论文的校对和出版 校样(galley proof) 校对和订正(不能有大的改动) 定购单行本(reprint) 版权 学术道德 不能改变或伪造数据 不能剽窃自己或他人论文 不能一稿两投 不能忽视或抹煞别人


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