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Su Embroidery苏绣 With a history of more than 3,000 years, Su embroidery is the general name for embroidery products in areas around Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. The craft, which dates back to the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), became a sideline of people in the Suzhou area during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Well known for its smoothness and delicateness, Su embroidery won Suzhou the title City of Embroidery in the Qing Dynasty. In the mid and late Qing, Su embroidery experienced further developments involving works of double-sided embroidering. There were 65 embroidery stores in Suzhou City. During the Republic of China period (1912-1949), the Su embroidery industry was in decline due to frequent wars and it was restored and regenerated after the founding of new China. In 1950, the central government set up research centers for Su embroidery and launched training courses for the study of embroidery. Weaving methods have climbed from 18 to the present 40. 苏绣是以江苏苏州为中心的刺绣产品的总称。苏州刺绣至今已有2000余年的历史,早在三国时期(公元220~280年)就有了关于苏绣制作的记载。此后经过历代的不断发展完善,到明代(1368~1644年)时,苏绣已成为苏州地区一项普遍的群众性副业产品,形成了家家养蚕,户户刺绣的局面。清代(公元1644~1911年)的苏绣以“精细雅洁”而闻名,当时的苏州更有了“绣市”的誉称。清代中后期,苏绣在绣制技术上有了进一步发展,新出现了精美的“双面绣”,仅苏州一地专门经营刺绣的商家就有65家之多。民国时期(公元1912~1949年),由于常年战乱,苏绣业曾一度衰落。新中国成立后,苏绣得到进一步的恢复和发展。1950年后,国家专门设立了苏绣研究所,并开办刺绣训练班。苏绣的针法由原来的18种发展到今天的40余种。 Su embroidery features a strong, folk flavor and its weaving techniques are characterized by the following: the product surface must be flat, the rim must be neat, the needle must be thin, the lines must be dense, the color must be harmonious and bright and the picture must be even. Su embroidery products fall into three major categories: costumes, decorations for halls and crafts for daily use, which integrate decorative and practical values. Double-sided embroidery is an excellent representative of Su embroidery. 苏绣具有图案秀丽、构思巧妙、绣工细致、针法活泼、色彩清雅的独特风格,地方特色浓郁。绣技具有“平、齐、细、密、和、光、顺、匀”的特点。“平”指绣面平展;“齐”指图案边缘齐整;“细”指用针细巧,绣线精细;“密”指线条排列紧凑,不露针迹;“和”指设色适宜;“光”指光彩夺目,色泽鲜明;“顺”指丝理圆转自如;“匀”指线条精细均匀


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