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投影片 1 - FJU

Blade Runner Questioning Human Identities Outline General Questions Introduction The world of Blade Runner —architecture and space The Replicants vs. Humans Scientists as “Fathers” the Lost Mothers Relative proofs of identity: photographs; the eyes fighting for survival –and Replicants’ Reflections on human society Rachael’s learning The Others: Gaff and the Animals in the film Blade Runner, Minority Report The Matrix How are these three films similar to or different from one another? What postmodern issues do they each address? How does Blade Runner define human identity and human nature? What’s impressive about this film? The Three Films—”human” solutions to machines’ control The Three Films— the Ambiguous Reality Lyotard The Postmodern Condition: Our task is to search for new presentations, not in order to enjoy them but to impart a stronger sense of the unpresentable (p.81), since “...it is our business not to supply reality but to invent allusions to the conceivable which cannot be presented.” What is “unpresentable” in our society? 1) capitalist simulacra; 2) ‘reality’ as a matter of perception; 3) memories and history 4) the “human”? The Three Films — the Other Postmodern Issues Introduction: Philip K Dick’s Novel and Ridley Scott Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Published in 1968 –(the period of anti-war movement) 1992 San Francisco ? (the film) Los Angeles in 2019 Philip K. Dick claimed that footage of the film was exactly what he had envisioned when he wrote the book. (source) Deckard in the novel – “bounty hunter”—kills more than two replicants. The question of whether one can mistake human for replicant: Deckard mistakes for replicant his fellow bounty hunter Phil Resch, because “the man suffers from a condition called ‘flattening of affect’ (which means a lack of emotion), something which can occur in people suffering from certain forms of mental illness or brain damage.” (source) Ridley Scott Alien


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