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郑朝阳,解新安* ,郑璐丝,邱冬琦( 华南农业大学食品学院,广东广州 510641)摘 要:在水米质量比 1.4∶1、蒸煮功率 600W、焖饭功率 400W、蒸煮时间和保沸时间均为 10min 的最佳工艺条件下,研究米饭蒸煮过程中热量的传递对米饭糊化过程的影响规律,根据糊化反应速率及阿伦尼乌斯公式建立米饭糊化理论模型,发现米饭糊化过程分为三个阶段: 第一阶段为拟一级反应,第二阶段为拟一级反应,第三阶段为零级反应。然后 利用 Matlab 软件建立蒸煮过程中温度、米饭膨胀率、糊化度、时间与电炉有效功率之间的线性回归模型,求得米饭蒸煮 过程中各项指标参数。最后将实验数据与建立的糊化过程理论模型、线性回归模型模拟数据进行对比,结果表明,模 拟结果与实验数据比较吻合。关键词:米饭,传热,模型,糊化度Study on gelatinization model during rice cooking processZHENG Chao- yang,XIE Xin- an* ,ZHENG Lu- si,QIU Dong- qi( College of Food Science,South China Agriculture University,Guangzhou 510641,China)Abstract: On the conditions that water rice mass ratio was 1.4∶1,stewing power was 600W,braising rice power was400W,stewing time and keeping time both were 10min,the rules of the heat transfer influencing the gelatinization ofthe rice during the cooking process were investigated. According to the reaction rate formula and the Arrheniusformula,a mathematical model of rice gelatinization process was established ,and the process can be divided intothree stages of gelatinization: Stage 1 was pseudo first - order reaction,Stage 2 was pseudo first - order reaction and Stage 3 was zero order reaction.Then,by using of software Matlab to obtain the linear regression model of the cooking temperature,rate of rice expansion,gelatinization degree,the time and the effective power of electric heater during the cooking process.Therefore,the regularity for changes of each parameter can be obtained.At last, comparing with the experimental data and gelatinization degrees which were obtained through the two models,the results showed that the simulated results were quite closed to experimental results.Key words: rice; heat transfer; model; gelatinization degree中图分类号:TS210.1文献标识码:A文 章 编 号:1002-0306(2011)08-0164-05水稻是世界三大粮食作物之一,我国是稻米的最大生产国和消费国[1] 。稻米的蒸煮实质是使胚乳 中的淀粉糊化[2] ,产生显著的米香及柔软的口感,从 而易于人体消化吸收。米饭的品质不仅与稻米所含 的直链淀粉与支链淀粉的比例、蛋白质的成分、脂肪 的含量有关,浸米与否及浸泡时间、加水量的多少及 蒸煮的火候与焖饭时间等均对米饭品质有很大的影 响[3] ,因此,蒸煮过程也是影响米饭品质的一个重要 因素。米饭在蒸煮过程中主要经过吸水加热快速升 温过程和保沸阶段,需要


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