
英语presentation 广东早茶cantonese morning tea_图文.ppt

英语presentation 广东早茶cantonese morning tea_图文.ppt

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英语presentation 广东早茶cantonese morning tea_图文

The third one is the most important one! So after introduce it, there is a highlight * Actually morning tea refers to dim sum accompanied by tea. So having morning tea is also called eating morning tea in Guangdong. tea+Dim sums * Actually morning tea refers to dim sum accompanied by tea. So having morning tea is also called eating morning tea in Guangdong. tea+Dim sums * Actually morning tea refers to dim sum accompanied by tea. So having morning tea is also called eating morning tea in Guangdong. tea+Dim sums * Cantonese morning tea The tradition of drinking morning tea is the most distinct characteristic of Guangdongs tea culture, and also an important part of daily life for many locals. By 陈志杰 1. History 2. Component 3. Life Style 4. Manner Introduction origin Qing dynasty during the rule of Xianfeng and Tongzhi Simple tea house: Offering tea and pastry for passers-by to sit there for rest and have something to eat or drink. 1 History History Later on ,with the boom of commerce in Guangdong,more and more businessmen needed a place for social activities. Teahouse soon began to emerge and developed gradually into tea restaurants. Since then ,morning tea has become a common cantonese habit. 1 2.Component Tea Dim sums(点心) --”eat” morning tea~ tea ?Black Tea 红茶 ? Oolong Tea 乌龙茶 ? Tie Guanyin tea 铁观音 ? Puer Tea 普洱茶 …… Dim sum -- transliterated from Guangdong dialect. Dim sums three categories: Traditional food 1.Dry style 2.Wet style Western-style food Shrimp Dumpling 虾饺 烧卖:Steamed Shaomai 蟹粉烧卖 pork and crab meat open dumpling 包:The steamed stuffed bun 豆沙包Red beansand buns 奶黄包Steamed Creamy Custard Bun 马蹄糕Water chestnut cake 腊味萝卜糕and pan-fried carrot cake with Chinese sausage 糕点: Pastry 白糖糕White sugar cake 马拉糕Cantonese sponge cake 酥:Crisp 芋头酥Taro crisp 叉烧酥Barbecued pork crisp 莲藕酥Lotus root crisp 叉烧肠Barbecued pork Rice Ro


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