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学 位 论 文 车用柴油机增压系统导气管喘振原因分析 Analysis on Surge of Turbocharger for Diesel Engine 作 者 姓 名: 学科、专业 :机械设计制造及其自动化 学 号 : 指 导 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 摘 要 柴油机增压后其经济性、排放、动力性提高到一个新的水平,但增压后对柴油机及其组件也提出了更高的要求,从而引发了一些新的问题。压气机的喘振现象就是其中一个主要问题。一旦喘振发生,就会使增压器性能下降,引起柴油机燃烧恶劣,缩短了增压器和柴油机的寿命。因此,有必要对喘振现象进行研究,分析其产生的原因,以便在故障出现时避免不必要的损失和设计的盲目性。 为了研究某柴油机增压系统喘振的原因,文中运用空气动力学、流体力学基本理论和经验公式,对该增压系统不同工况下管内气流的流动状态、流动参数进行了判断和计算,确定管内气流的流动状态,探讨了变化规律,分析了流动参数与喘振的关系。根据气流的脉动理论对导气管合理长度进行了分析。运用流体力学软件Fluent对某一工况下导气管内气流流动状态进行数值模拟,并对计算结果进行分析。 本文所采用的检验计算方法和数值计算方法是可行的,能够较为准确地反映管内气流的流动状况,为工程实践的参考依据作了探讨。 关键词:柴油机;增压系统;喘振;解析计算;数值分析 Analysis on Surge of Turbocharger for Diesel Engine Abstract The economic efficiency, emission function, and power of a diesel engine can be improved by boosting its pressure. With boosted pressure in a diesel engine, however, greater demands are placed on the performances of the components and the turbocharger may be subject to surge, which compromises the functions of turbocharger, results in unwanted burning, and shortens the life period of the turbocharger and diesel engine. It is therefore of great importance to launch a research into the mechanism through which surge happens in order to pointedly deal with diesel engine malfunctions, thus avoiding unnecessary expense costs and blindness in diesel engine designing. In order to study the infection of Turbocharger for Diesel Engine against Surge, the basic theories of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics and experience formulas were used to analyze and compute the fluid parameters. The results of calculations were analyzed. The law of change was found out, and computed the least inner diameter and length in according with the fluid pulse theory. Fluent was used to simulate situation of fluid, and analyze the result. This paper mainly studied the infection of fluid parameters of Turbocharger for Diesel Engine against Surge. After compari


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