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脑血管疾病由于各种脑部血管病变所引起 的脑功能缺损的一组疾病的总称。脑卒 中,又称中风或脑血管意外,是一组 突然起病,以局造性神经功能缺失 为共同特征的急性脑血管疾病 流行病学-----Epidemiology 基本病机-----瘀血、肝风、痰浊等病理因素蒙蔽脑窍而致“窍闭神匿,神不导气” “XNKQ” acupuncture therapy has been formulated on basis of our new knowledge on pathogenesis of stroke which is mainly due to obstruction of brain orifices and hiding of vitality resulting from upward invasion of blood stasis, liver wind and phlegm. 所建立的方法和技术被收入全国高等中医院校规划教材以及美国考试委员会指定教材。 This methods and technologies are included into the teaching material of National Colleges and universities of traditional Chinese Medicine and the Specified materials of U.S. Board of Examiners 其研究水平在中医针灸研究领域处于领先地位, 具有重要的学术价值,并取得十分显著的社会效益 The researches of “XNKQ” therapy are Advanced in the field of acupuncture research, has important academic value, and achieve very significant social benefits “醒脑开窍针刺法” 在中风不同时期的应用 XNKQ ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY Application In Different Stage of Stroke 醒脑开窍针刺法 醒脑开窍针刺法之所以有效的重要原因是其有严格的组方原则,并强调针刺手法量学规范。临床上应用主穴是最为重要的,起到醒神开窍、通调元神的主要功效。 One of the important reasons for which Xingnao Kaiqiao acupuncture therapy is effective is that the acupuncture have a strict set of principles,and standard quantitative manipulations are applied emphatically.The main points with effect of refreshing and regulating the soul are very important in the clinical application. 醒脑开窍针刺法主穴分为两个组方,主穴之方Ⅰ主要应用于中风急性期,主穴之方Ⅱ更多用于中风恢复期和后遗症期。 The main points of Xingnao Kaiqiao acupuncture therapy method is divided into two groups, the main points I are mainly used in the acute phase of stroke, and the main points II more for stroke recovery and sequelae period. “醒脑开窍针刺法”适用于中风先兆、中风急性期(包括出血及梗死)、稳定期、后遗症期,并对脑卒中的多种合并症,如吞咽障碍、失语、失明等也具有很好的疗效。 Xingnao Kaiqiao acupuncture therapy is applicable to the aura of stroke, stroke acute period (including hemorrhage and infarction ), stable period, sequelae, and also has good curative effect for multiple comorbidities of stroke, such as dysphagia, aphasia and blindness. 中风先兆即短暂性脑


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