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Extreme sports 现在很多青少年因为沉迷电脑网络而忽视做运动锻炼身体。现在流行一类“极限运动”很适合青少年。这种极限运动让运动变得更有趣,更酷。 背景调查 They are who fond of extreme sports and dying for excitement ! Extreme sports, is a combination of a number of more difficult and more challenging combinations of sports collectively, such as line skates, skateboards, extreme cycling, rock climbing, snowboarding, sky surfing, street illness drop, extreme off-road, limit water-skiing and other extreme sports are extreme sports. 极限运动,是结合了一些难度较高,且挑战性较大之组合运动项目的统称,例如:直排轮、滑板、极限单车、攀岩、雪板、空中冲浪、街道疾降、极限越野、极限滑水等都是极限运动项目。 Extreme sports are very new in America. They usually come from people trying the craziest things. The main content of extreme sports is known as B3 (skateBoard, Blade, Bicycle) skateboards, skates, and limit cycles, this is a major sports championship events. 极限运动最主要的内容就是所谓的极限摩托、滑板、直排轮和极限单车,此为极限运动锦标赛的主要比赛项目。 Why do extreme sports can be swept the world, eternity? Why do people on the thrilling, exciting extreme sports music cited is not leather, so fascinated? 为什么极限运动能够风靡全球、长盛不衰?为什么人们对惊险、刺激的极限运动乐此不皮、如此着迷? Some sociologists of the investigation, the findings from an objective point of view may be able to answer: Stand compete in an increasingly brutal turn of the century the threshold before facing information explosion of the knowledge economy era, the modern pace of life is becoming faster and faster , work pressure increases, living space smaller and smaller ...... 一些社会学家的调查、研究结果也许能够从客观的角度作出解答:站在世纪之交竞争日益残酷的门坎前,面临着信息爆炸的知识经济时代,现代人的生活节奏变得越来越快,工作压力越来越大,生活空间越来越小...... makes the modern realities of the environment inundated, sustained, and a growing number of stimulation, peoples sense of the domain limits is also rising. The original sense ofIs not strong, and can not meet the pursuit of human beings. 现实的环境使得现代人应接不暇,持续的、不断增多的刺激,使人的感觉域限也不断提高。原来的感觉不强烈了,已不能适应人类的追求了。 按捺不住心情的都市新潮一族,首选渴望冲出都市文明的封锁,去和自然对话,还原人类作为大自然中一员的本色,表现人类最本质的能力。极限运动的兴起,正好满足了人类的这一需求。 此外,与传统体育项目(包括奥运会项目)相比,极限运动更富有超越身心极限的自我挑战性、观赏刺激性、高科


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