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翻译样稿(Translation Sample) 北京华译网翻译公司(Beijing HuayiNet Translation Company) 8. 买方的接收Buyer’s Taking-Over 8.1 每组分项工程完成并测试成功后,则视为分项工程已被接收,买 房将签发相关接收许可证明文件。After successful test on Completion for each Genset, the Gensets shall be accepted and the seller will sign an according Taking-Over Certificate. 8.2 卖方应确保工程在买方接收时,卖方应去除所有诸如抵押和留置 等障碍。工程所有权和风险损失的转移将按照FOB 汉堡港(国际贸易术语 2000 )进行。The Seller is responsible for delivering the Goods free and clear any liens or encumbrances whatsoever. Title to the Works and risks of loss shall transfer to the Buyer upon FOB Hamburg (Incoterms 2000). 9. 技术服务Technical Service 技术服务不是本合同的组成部分。Technical Service is not part of this contract. 10.保修服务 Warranty Service 保修服务按照第 5 条的规定实施。Warranty service is regulated under Clause 5. 11.变更Variation 在颁发工程接收证书前的任何时间,买方可通过发布指示或要求卖方提 交建议书的方式,提出变更。卖方应遵守并执行每项变更。除非卖方即时向 买方发出通知,说明(附详细根据):(a )卖方难以取得变更所需要的货物; (b )变更将降低工程的安全性或适用性;或(c )将对履约保证的完成产生 不利的影响。买方接到此类通知后,应取消、确认、或改变原指示。 Variations within the general scope of the Contact may be initiated by the Buyer at any time prior to delivery, either by an instruction or by a request for the Seller to submit a proposal. The Seller shall execute and be bound by each Variation, unless the Seller promptly gives notice to the Buyer stating (with supporting particulars) that: We translated the file about Variation from Chinese into English. 翻译样稿(Translation Sample) 北京华译网翻译公司(Beijing HuayiNet Translation Company) 翻译样稿(Translation Sample) 北京华译网翻译公司(Beijing HuayiNet Translation Company) (a) The Seller cannot readily obtain the Goods required for the Variation,


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