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Journalistic Reading Course Lesson 1 课程目标 1.???? 提高学生阅读外刊的能力。通过阅读外刊,学生要掌握英语的特点,了解报刊文章的特点,掌握读报要领,以提高阅读外刊的能力。 2.?????提高学生的观察、理解和分析问题的能力和独立思考的能力。报刊是社会的一面镜子,它折射出社会各个方面所发生的事件和存在的问题。因此,该课程不仅仅给学生提供了语言学习的机会,更重要的是借报刊文章所提供的内容,提高观察、理解和独立思考的能力。 3.?????掌握阅读技巧和策略,提高阅读速度。报刊所及内容繁多,所载信息量大,学生必须学会在有限的时间内,以最快的速度阅读大量的文章,掌握更多的信息。因此必须掌握阅读技巧和策略,提高阅读速度。 4.?????提高学生的口、笔头表述能力和质量。 教学要求 1.???? 加大报刊阅读量。要求学生每周读一份外刊。 2.?????要求学生坚持听英语广播。 3.?????要求学生以自学和提问为主。 4.?????要求学生以提高语言运用能力为学习目的。 6.?????要求学生以培养分析、解决和思考问题的能力为目的。 阅读书刊以及网上资源 1.? Beijing Review 北京周报 2.? China Daily 中国日报 3.? 2lst Century 二十一世纪报 4.? New York Times 纽约时报 5.? Readers’ Digest 读者文摘 6.? CCTV English Broadcast 央视英文广播 7.? 有线新闻网 (Cable News Network) 8.?? 华盛顿邮报 9.?? 卫报 10. 镜报 11. 基督教科学箴言报 (the Christian Science Monitor) 12. 纽约时报 13. 国际先驱论坛报 (international Herald Tribune) 14. 今日美国 Return of the Huddled Masses Pre-reading: American Immigration: Past and Present Historical Overview Throughout its history, America has served as the destination point for a steady flow of immigrants. During the colonial era most migrants came from northern European countries. Their numbers declined with the onset of the Revolutionary War during the 1770s, but immigration later picked up strongly again during the 1840s and 1850s. New arrivals came from several European countries during this period, but most came from Ireland and Germany, where devastating crop failures forced many residents to leave their homelands. Many settled in New York City, where the population increased from 200,000 residents in 1830 to 515,000 in 1850. By 1860, New York was home to over one million residents. More than half of the citys population at that time were immigrants and their American-born children. After the Civil War, Americas growing industrial economy required the addition of many more workers, and this need was filled once again by immigrants arriving from Europe. Approximately 25 million arrived be


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