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姓??? 名: ?性??? 别: 照??片 ?婚姻状况: 未婚 ?出生年月: ?民??? 族: ?身??? 高: 1cm ?学??? 历: ?户??? 籍: ?计算机能力: 二级 ?技术职称: ?电 话 电子邮箱 毕业学校: ?专??? 业: ?现所在地区: ?语言能力: 英语()??普通话(熟练)?? 教育/培训 2005年——2008年 。 环艺设计系 ?高级室内设计员 技能/专长 通过国家级计算机考试,能熟练应用计算机的基本操作热情随和,活波开朗,具有进取精神和团队精神。良好协调沟通能力,适应力强,反应快、积极、灵活,爱创新具有一定的社会交往能力,优秀的组织和协调能力。 在学习中,我注重理论与实践的结合,己具备了相当的实践操作能力很强的事业心和责任感使我能够面对任何困难和挑战。 工作经验 我有2年工作经验。 求职意向 ?寻求工作类型: 全职? ?希望工作岗位类型: ???? ?希望工作职务: ? ?到岗时间: 随时到岗 : ?Sex: ?Marital Status: ?Ethnically: ?Date of Birth : ?Degree: ollege diploma ?Household register: ??professional titles: Sinterior designer E-mail University: ?Major: art designer ?Language: Have a good command of both spoken and written Education/training 2002棗2005H 2005棗2008H environment and art design Department ?Senior interior designer Skill/ speciality/ Self-evaluation Pass National Computer Rank Examination 2,The good operation of Computer Have ten years experience of painting, especially in drawing ,colour, sketch, traditional Chinese painting, claborate-style painting,writing of brush character. I’m passion and easy-going, briskness and unclouded, Aggressive and teamwork spirit. be able to work under a dynamic environment, love innovation ,and have ability of social communication, excellent organization and coordination skill. Pay attention to combine theory and practice in study, and now have many experience of operations, Strong enterprise and sense of responsibility make me face any trouble and challenge. Work experience 2007—2008 XXXXX Sale Consultant Be commend every month because of champion of sale. During this one year I exerted my potential and work hard. Finally i got many artifice and knowledge of sale, also exercise my interpersonal relationship. 2008—2009 XXXXX Executive Assistant My job is assist Office director handle daily affair, prepare meeting, meeting record and neaten material after meeting. Mastermind each company’s acti


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