Restricted Carbohydrate Diets in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes:A Meta Analysis英文电子书.pdf

Restricted Carbohydrate Diets in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes:A Meta Analysis英文电子书.pdf

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RESEARCH Review Meets Learning Need Codes 5000, 5190, 5370, and 9020 Restricted-Carbohydrate Diets in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Meta-Analysis JULIENNE K. KIRK, PharmD; DARBY E. GRAVES, MPH, RD; TIMOTHY E. CRAVEN, MSPH; EDWARD W. LIPKIN, MD, PhD; MARY AUSTIN, MA, RD; KAREN L. MARGOLIS, MD, MPH to be conducted in order to evaluate the overall sustainabil- ABSTRACT ity of outcomes and long-term safety. Many current popular weight-loss diets advocate restricting J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108:91-100. carbohydrates, but risks and benefits of these diets for pa- tients with diabetes is unclear. We searched for articles published in English between 1980 and April 2006 regard- estricted-carbohydrate diets have become popular ing carbohydrate-restricted diets that included and re- Rfor weight loss in the general population (1). Be- ported separate results for adult, nonpregnant patients cause many people with type 2 diabetes are over- with type 2 diabetes. Articles were limited to studies com- weight, advice is often sought on carbohydrate-restricted pleted in the United States and Canada. Available data on diets. However, the long-term efficacy and safety of re- study design; carbohydrate composition of diet; duration of stricted-carbohydrate diets has been questioned for peo- diet; and the outcomes of weight, lipid levels (total, low- ple with diabetes, who are already at increased risk for density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, cardiovascular di



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